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Do you know your worth?

Do you know your worth? This isn’t a question you probably get asked very often but it’s something that I’ve been asking myself a lot over the past few years.

Our worth isn’t measurable in time, money or any other currency we choose to use, it’s something that we gently align with as we come to a place of wisdom within. Sometimes it takes us an entire lifetime for us to truly recognise our worth and value.

And that’s ok, because it really isn’t a process to be rushed.

Usually, it takes a few life-battering experiences for us to emerge from the trenches, wounded and weary, in the search for the self-esteem that we lost many years ago.

It might be that we’ve had a relationship with someone where we were taken advantage of, belittled, controlled and criticised, to the point where we don’t even feel worthy of asking this question to ourselves. Sadly these controlling relationships are all too common and we mistake this union for love, all too easily.

And it’s an easy mistake to make. No relationships start off as controlling, self-esteem whittling and coercive, they start with grand proclamations of love, sizzling chemistry and speak of soul mates and forever. We fall headfirst into the fairy tale we’ve been conditioned to seek through the repetitive storylines of chick flicks and happily-ever-afters broadcast to us throughout our lives.

It could be that we found ourselves in a job where we work long hours seeking the praise we know we’re due, but never receiving it, making us work all the harder to get the validation that we deserve.

Companies like this, and the people who run them, usually drop breadcrumbs of praise, but never the full loaf, leading us to believe that someday we’ll get the recognition we seek, yet the loaves rarely ever appear.

They also have this canny knack of knowing when we’re reaching the limit of our endurance, when our boundaries are stretched to breaking point and we can no long sustain this emotional and physical battering. They sense it like a shark senses a drop of blood in the water from a mile away, and they reel us back in with small monetary treats, false platitudes and short-term rewards.

Our families make us the diamonds that we are

And then of course we have our families.

I’ve been so lucky to land in a family where I am encouraged to follow my dreams, where I’m safe, supported and loved, yet so many of us parachute into earth with parents who deeply wound us, challenging us to push past their limited beliefs of what we’re capable of.

I believe all of us choose our families before we incarnate into physical form on earth. Then as soon as we’re born, we forget. Perhaps that’s why babies cry when they’re born because they know they’re in for a rough ride.

And no wonder, this life is intense. After all, earth is where we come to embrace emotions so it’s never going to be a place of fluffy rainbows and talking kittens. Instead it’s a hard playground where we fall over and scrape our knees more times than we can count.

Yet, it’s when we see our families as the breeding ground for our growth, that we can begin to gently let go the karmic burden that we’ve been carrying around on our shoulders. We often think “what did I do to deserve this” when we could instead be asking “why has my soul chosen this and how can I transmute my suffering into wisdom”.

It’s often the most high-frequency souls that have the toughest time on earth, because it’s this exact process that embeds the learning, evolution and transformation of their souls. I don’t believe anyone has an easy life but there are some who suffer unbearably more than others and my heart truly goes out to them.

It’s when we realise that our families are what make us the diamonds that we are, that we can begin to feel relief and see them merely as our teachers.

Our parents are not our source of love, the Divine is, and our parents are just temporary custodians of our beings until we’re wise enough to remember this.

Coming to a place of wisdom and worthiness within

What I love the most about the work that I do is the awareness. In your soul contract you can see exactly what challenges you came here to overcome, what talents you’ve been given to make a success of yourself and what you’re really here to achieve. And for a lot of us, we’re here to learn our worth.

We’re also here to heal the broken hearts and restore our fragile sense of self-esteem, work through the trauma that has been carried down through the ancestral line and bring healing to the past lives that are echoing through to our lives today.

So, how do we go about the momentous task of knowing our worth?

As I mentioned earlier, a lot of it is to do with coming to a place of wisdom inside of us. This wisdom can’t be measured in units, it can’t be tested in an exam and it can’t be recorded in a book, it lives and breathes inside of us, ebbing and flowing as we go about our daily lives.

One of the most beautiful ways to feel this still pool of wisdom inside of us is to connect to our Higher Self, the direct link between us and God that guides and steers our direction when we ask for its help. I only connected to my Higher Self recently through the Divine Healing sessions that I offer and that connection is still fleeting and soft, wavering in and out depending on how grounded and aligned I am.

Connecting to our body’s wisdom to remember our worth

Alongside this, is our connection to our wisdom within our bodies.

Often, we overthink and analyse with our minds, forgetting that we have a vastly superior tool embedded within us, which is our body. We’ve all felt the butterflies when we’ve been nervous, perhaps we’ve had an uncomfortable feeling in our solar plexus when we feel threatened, or maybe we’ve had a headache when we’ve been fighting with someone.

Our body knows. It feels and guides us intuitively through this life, yet we rarely pay attention to its wisdom. Instead, we tend to give precedent to mind which is continually trying to rationalise, explain and solve the unsolvable.

This is the domain of the ego. It stalks the caverns of our mind and making us believe that we are separate and alone, and that all we can rely on is our mind. Yet, the truth is, the wisdom within, guided by the soul, is vastly superior to the egoic mind, they really can’t even compare.

Sometimes it can take time to find the still pool of wisdom within us that feeds our mind, body and soul with courage, love and self-compassion, and that’s ok. The path to wisdom is a winding road where we have many experiences, many of which require gentle healing and love.

This is where our worth can be recognised as we glance into the mirrored reflection of the water and where we truly see ourselves for who we truly are: radiant sparks of the Divine, embodied in physical form to experience life in all of its pain and glory.

We are whole, perfect and complete, yet we often have debris in the way of us truly seeing ourselves that way. This is why we live this beautiful life, to remember our worth so we can come into our full power and potential. Because when we do, we are God incarnate and have the power to transform the suffering of the world with our love and light.

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