Hey, I’m Antonya and it’s so good to have you here!
This is where I write about my journey to becoming the most confident and authentic version of who I came here to be, in the hope it inspires you on your own journey into deeper self-awareness and emotional healing. Explore my blog posts below or if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, use the categories or search box below.
Self Discovery | Soul Seekers | The Confidence Club | Conquer Your Fears | Oldies and Goldies | YouTube Short & Sweet
Seven Steps to Confidence and Self-Acceptance
This blog post explores the interconnectedness of confidence, self-worth, and self-acceptance. It outlines practical steps for nurturing these qualities, such as building inner awareness, practicing self-compassion, and letting go of comparisons.
What’s the difference between the ego and the soul?
What is the difference between the ego and the soul? The ego drives thoughts, words and actions from a place of fear and lack. The soul drives them from love, nourishing our self esteem.
How to keep your boundaries when they’re being challenged
If you are sensitive, gentle and empathetic it can feel really hard to say no to others and stand up and assert yourself. The reason why boundaries can feel hard is all to do with the energies in your Soul Contract, which is exactly what I explore in this blog post.
You don’t need to heal (and this is why)
You don’t need to heal because you are perfect, whole and complete just as you are. The only thing we need to do is to release and clear the trauma that is stuck in our fields and distorting our vision, making us chase things outside of ourselves.
3 things that happen when you start healing
When you start healing miracles can happen, your relationship with yourself and your body changes and you start to shine your light and welcome in new possibilities and opportunities into your life.
If you’re lacking confidence here's three ways to overcome it
If you're lacking confidence and have low self-esteem here are three ways that have helped me to come out of hiding and overcome the fear that is stopping me from realising my potential.
How to find the confidence and courage to start something new
All of us can struggle to start something new, yet do we really understand why? Sometimes it's a fear of failure or it can be a fear of success. Ultimately we need to confront the fear that is stopping us from fulfilling our potential.
Do you know your worth?
It can take us a lifetime to truly know our self-worth, yet it's the challenging life experiences that we encounter along the way that encourage us overcome them so we can land in a place of clarity, wisdom and self-compassion.
Why you’re overwhelmed and what to do about it
Many of us are struggling with feeling overwhelmed, burnt out and stressed, and sometimes we need a reminder to slow down and calm down so we can begin to look at the deeper root cause underlying our overwhelm.
How to come out of hiding
Hiding keeps us safe but it also keeps us playing small. So, how can we step out into the unknown, being vulnerable and open about who we truly are, embracing our true authentic selves without fear of judgement or shame?
3 things you learn about yourself in a soul contract reading
A Soul Contract Reading is like a map, showing you the karma you're here to work through, the talents you're here to activate and the goals you're here to accomplish.
Feel the fear and ride the storm of change
Change, like an ocean storm, also has the potential to turn our lives upside down. And this is where change can be so golden. If we allow ourselves to feel the fear and uncertainty and ride the storm we grow in resilience and self-esteem.
How to recognise energy vampires
Like wolf in sheep’s' clothing, energy vampires sneak past our boundaries and take what isn't theirs. We can either continue letting this happen, or stay vigilant to the signs and erect our boundaries to keep them away, the choice is ours.
The money trap (what it is and how to avoid it)
Now that we're healing the self-esteem wound there's too many of us falling prey to the marketing that tells us we can all be millionaires. This is yet another spiritual trap, hiding our real emotional needs under the illusion that money can meet them.
Feel the fear and reap the rewards
When we do things that scare us the universe rewards us for taking risks on its behalf, our self-esteem raises considerably and we open ourselves up to our power, potential and possibilities. How can we use our fear for positive change in our lives?
Want to manifest? Here’s the secret
The secret to manifesting is about aligning with a greater force. It is not some force that we need to control and neither is it a force that controls us. It is not about making demands, and neither is it about surrendering ourselves completely.
How to love yourself at your lowest
When we're doing well in life we feel good. But, what happens when those things that have been propping up our self-esteem vanish? How can we love ourselves at our lowest?
Goodbye Instagram, hello radical self-love
Instagram has been eating away at my joy and eroding my confidence, so I made the decision to leave. This is my story.
Feeling rejected? This might help
The pain of rejection can be hard to handle, but how can we understand it in a different light and give ourselves some comfort and reassurance that we're enough exactly as we are? This is a post all about recognising our value and self-worth.
Feeling like a failure? Read this
When you feel like a failure you're just having a bad day. You might also be stuck in comparison and putting too much pressure on yourself. So here's something you might want to read to help shift your mindset.