The money trap (what it is and how to avoid it)
There is a movement happening and it’s very powerful.
People are starting to wake up to their power and potential by releasing the self-esteem blocks that have kept them captive their whole life.
The self-esteem wound is something that we all carry; not feeling like we’re good enough, forgetting that we are whole and perfect, despite what we’ve learned through our family dynamics and programming the world pushes on us.
This movement of awareness is the embodiment of soul empowerment.
When we bring our consciousness and awareness to an issue or programme within ourselves, we can start to free ourselves from it. If, however, we’re not aware that we carry a programme that subconsciously tells us that we’re not good enough on a constant basis, we will keep running into the same classroom to learn the same lesson until we connect the dots.
That’s what life is all about - everyone is our teacher, our mirror and our reflection. Like when we end up in relationships with either our father or mother archetype, it’s because our soul is wanting to heal a trauma and the relationship is the place where we can have the opportunity to do that.
Once we recognise the learning in a situation or circumstance, the pain eases considerably and we’re able to find peace in whatever it was that we went through. This takes time though. It also takes a huge amount of courage, self-awareness and deep compassion for ourselves and what we went through.
Manifesting money
A huge part of this self-esteem shift that the world is transitioning through also lands in the realm of finance and wealth.
We are suddenly realising, through a greater understanding of the universal spiritual laws, that we can ‘ask and receive’. Not only that, but we are waking up to the realisation that we are worthy of receiving financial abundance.
As a wellbeing practitioner I am bombarded, and I mean absolutely hammered, by marketing from coaches and companies telling me how I can earn six figure salaries every month, have a million-dollar side hustle, or that I can charge thousands of pounds for my services.
And it’s not just in the wellbeing field. This messaging is rampant in the world and it’s screaming “You want it?! You can have it all baby!!”
When we give, we also receive, which is one of the most important spiritual laws, because it keeps the flow of energy moving, as it needs to. There is also no limit to the abundance that we are capable of receiving. The universe is an infinite larder of goodness just begging us to keep using it. This is all absolutely true.
The problem now is that people not only want money, but they want a lot. They’ve fallen headfirst into the money trap and they don’t even know it.
The money trap of targeting our pain point
It’s this type of marketing that really grates on me because it wholly and completely lacks any kind of integrity or authenticity. The energy behind it feels manipulative, greedy and overly centered in the receiving and not at all in balance with the giving.
The messaging behind this marketing is also rooted in targeting a pain point for us.
It’s nothing to do with falling into alignment with universal consciousness and being of service, which allows us to recieve. Instead, it’s about triggering our deep-seated need to feel safe, worthy and seen under the guise of ‘we deserve it’ and ‘if you want it, manifest it’.
It’s taken our self-esteem wound straight from one end of the scale, where we were lacking in knowing our true worth, and manipulated it, taking it too far to the other side. For most of us money gives us safety and security, and this is exactly what this marketing, and so much other messaging out there, is targeting.
As someone who has herself fallen into the trap of getting sucked into this, I know the emotional place you have to be in to fall into this line of thinking, and it’s not one of empowerment or high self-esteem, at all. I was in an extremely vulnerable emotional place at the time.
Why manifesting only takes you so far
Most of us are living in the third dimension, a reality that keeps us small and disempowered through the programming that permeates every area of our lives.
If we manage to break free of the illusion, the matrix I like to call it, we ascend into a more aligned and aware state of being. One where we understand that we can’t see 99% of what’s really happening around us.
This is where so many spiritual seekers discover the new age gateway of healing and manifestation, alongside so many other elements. Yet, while the new age is a beautiful entry point into a higher consciousness, it’s also another trap that conditions us to believe that money will solve all our problems.
When you land in this place, wanting to manifest a big salary or a multi-figure business, please ask yourself why. Dig below the surface because until you understand what you’re really wanting, or more likely needing, it won’t ever materialise.
Do you want to feel wealthy or do you want to actually feel safe? Do you really want to be an influencer or do you want to feel seen and valued? Do you want to have a passive income or do you want to have an income stream so you don’t feel under so much pressure? Do you want to be a millionaire for the status or for the security?
We think that once we earn a certain amount of money, we’ll finally feel safe yet we need to feel safe without having a certain amount of money. This is the true challenge - to be so deeply rooted in non-attachment that we find freedom.
Nothing external can ever validate us. It merely keeps us rooted firmly in our ego; the part of us that wants to feel safe and seen. And it’s when we’re rooted in our ego that we stagnate our spiritual progress and are unable to transcend any further.
True security can only come from within
True self-esteem stems from within.
There is no amount that you can earn that will ever give you what you need. Therefore, what you need to give yourself is what you need on an emotional and spiritual level, before it can even begin to manifest on the material plane.
We are all magnets for experiences that resonate on our frequency. It’s not the visible world, but the invisible. But, as I mentioned before, 99% of our true reality is invisible to us, which is why working within the energy field is so incredibly important.
If we want, desire and crave money to bring us safety, security and self-esteem, we are merely resonating the lack of those very things we so desperately want.
Yet, if we hold ourselves in this grounded point where we can feel deep safety in the unknown and pure love and compassion for ourselves at our lowest, as well as our best, we can only attract the same physical reality back to ourselves.
So, whenever you want something, question the motive behind it. If you want to a six-figure salary, do yourself a favour and question why otherwise you’ll end up going in circles forever, with unmet emotional needs and unquenched spiritual desires.
Is it feeling seen, is it feeling worthy or is it safety and security you’re seeking? Find the motive and feed yourself with the emotional and spiritual sustenance you’re really craving deep down, and just watch your world change.
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