5 Steps to Releasing Limiting Beliefs

five steps to releasing limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs are often the reason we experience blocks, stagnation, and stress in our lives. Yet, very often, we aren’t even aware they’re there. And if we do know which beliefs hold us back, we’re often unsure how to release them and replace them with new, empowering ones.

I love writing about limiting beliefs because I, like so many of us, have plenty that I am slowly clearing, releasing, and letting go of with love and compassion.

Our beliefs do not define us or form who we are—just as our thoughts do not define us. However, while our thoughts and beliefs may not be the essence of who we are, they certainly shape the reality of our lives.

We all know the saying, “Thoughts become things,” and the basic idea that words are like spells—hence the link to the word “spelling.”

What we think, we say, and what we say, we do—which shows just how important our thoughts are. Yet, there is another layer that feeds the thoughts in our minds, and this comes from deeply buried subconscious beliefs. Some of these are positive and powerful, but many are untrue and limiting.

Our subconscious mind controls 97% of our reality, with only a mere 3% coming from our conscious mind. This means the majority of our life is driven by the beliefs held in our subconscious. That’s exactly why it’s so important to identify what these beliefs are so we can create more joy, freedom, and expansion in our lives.

How our limiting beliefs shape our reality

Imagine a tree. The tree is what you can see—it’s tangible—and represents what we see playing out in our reality. Beneath the surface, however, are roots that extend deep into the earth, unseen, yet feeding and growing the tree. This is exactly how our subconscious mind works.

We may think we are in the driving seat of our lives, yet it’s actually our beliefs steering the course.

I used to have a belief, buried deeply within me, that I was unworthy of love and a relationship. At 27 years old, I released this belief with a Kinesiology practitioner. Until then, I’d never had a serious relationship. Just four weeks later, I met and fell in love with my first boyfriend, with whom I was in a relationship for three years.

This is what happens when you release a limiting belief—life changes, sometimes subtly and sometimes radically!

Here are the 10 steps I’ve found to work so well for releasing limiting beliefs when I feel stuck, stressed, or trapped. While it’s always best to work with a qualified practitioner to help clear what you might not be able to see on your own, we are all capable of self-healing. And when we heal ourselves, we realise just how powerful and capable we truly are.

1. Identify Where You Feel Stuck
The first step to releasing a limiting belief is to identify where you feel most stuck in your life. This gives clues as to what the belief might be.

Is there a part of your life that doesn’t feel aligned with who you are? Or perhaps an area that feels lacking, limiting, or unfulfilling? Explore where you feel the least joy in your life. While this work isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, the more deeply you can connect with the limiting belief, the more profound the clearing.

2. Recognise the Gap
Look for the gap between what you want and what you don’t have. This helps to clarify the area of your life where the limitation lies.

For example:

  • If you want a meaningful relationship but don’t have one, there’s often a limiting belief blocking it.

  • If you’re struggling financially despite wanting abundance, there’s likely a limiting belief holding you back.

  • If you’re stuck in an unfulfilling job but long for a more aligned career, a limiting belief may be keeping you there.

3. Get Quiet and Reflect
Once you’ve identified the area of stagnation, take a few moments to sit quietly with yourself. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and allow thoughts to flow onto the page as you write.

The belief might centre on worthiness, such as:

  • “I’m not good enough to...”

  • “I don’t deserve to...”

Or it could be fear-based, like:

  • “I’ll be judged if I...”

  • “The world isn’t safe to...”

Sometimes it’s linked to past experiences:

  • “Last time I tried...”
    Or concerns about the future:

  • “I won’t be supported if I...”

Allow space for whatever arises.

Often we just need a little quiet and space to let what we’ve been holding in come to the surface. For some of us, this is easier said than done, so if you’re struggling, I recommend just taking a bit more time to let things come through and to use your body’s natural energy.

If you’re seeking love, place two hands on your heart to feel the energy there. If you’re looking for fulfilling work, place a hand on your sacral area, around the tummy button, which is your creativity center. If you’re wanting abundance, place your hands over your root chakra, which is the source of safety and survival.

4. Reflect on Influential Memories
Think of influential people in your life—parents, grandparents, caregivers, or teachers. What memories or messages from them stick in your mind? Write them down.

For example, I recall my mum telling me never to get a credit card because it was “dangerous.” This single comment likely shaped my stress and fear around money, even though it’s just one of many conversations we had.

It’s these key memories we hold that are often the source to our limiting beliefs.

5. Release with Intention
Use this command to release the belief:

“I, [your name], welcome the awareness of this limiting belief which has been holding me back.
I now release all need and desire to believe that [insert belief]. I willingly release this belief and command all parts of myself to let it go from all levels, dimensions, and timelines.
I am now 100% willing to co-create with my Higher Self to allow my full potential to shine forth in my life.”

Repeat this process whenever needed to support your growth and healing.

Releasing limiting beliefs and create freedom

The most powerful way to release a negative, limiting belief, is to become clear of what it is. Often, these beliefs, programmes and conditioning lie hidden within us, quietly shaping our lives without us even realising. But, once we see them for the first time and really shine a light on them, they can never hold the same power over us again.

This is the magic of healing. We go into the depths of our subconscious to pull out things, such as past trauma, limiting beliefs and negative programmes, that we no longer want or need.

Every limiting belief has layers, so we always need to temper our expectations. We cannot take all the roots out at once and instantaneously fix our lives. But what we can do is to purposefully and consistently clear the layers holding us back, which will create meaningful and foundational change in the best possible way.

This process is part of Divine Healing, which I offer in private sessions and through my membership, Your Authentic Soul. Here, we clear limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, fears, and much more.

I hope this process supports you in uncovering and releasing what’s holding you back. Use it as often as you need on your healing journey.

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