Welcome to my blog
I’m Antonya and this is where I write about my journey to becoming the most confident and authentic version of who I came here to be. Explore my blog posts below or if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, use the search box below.
Understanding Your Relationships Through Your Soul Contract
A Soul Contract Reading is a powerful and catalytic way to understand the hidden dynamics in your relationships. Soul Contract Readings can be healing and empowering for you, as you understand the karmic clashes and bonds between you and the people in your life.
This is How Divine Healing Can Enhance Your Life
Divine Healing is a powerful way of helping the body release trauma, sabotaging beliefs, ego agendas and low frequency programmes, through grace, love, self-awareness and connection to the Universe and our Higher Self.
7 secrets hidden within your Soul Contract
Discover the 7 secrets hidden within your Soul Contract that can help you gain a deeper understanding of who you truly are and support you as you move forwards in your life.
Can your Soul Contract show you your soul purpose?
Can your Soul Contract show you your life purpose or is there another way of understanding your soul destiny? What if there is no singular soul purpose but a culmination of reasons as to why you're here and what you're capable of achieving?
What’s the difference between the ego and the soul?
What is the difference between the ego and the soul? The ego drives thoughts, words and actions from a place of fear and lack. The soul drives them from love, nourishing our self esteem.