Can your Soul Contract show you your soul purpose?

Can your Soul Contract show you your soul purpose

What does your soul contract tell you about your soul purpose? Well, to answer that question we need to take a little step backwards.

There are some people who believe that we all have one purpose in this lifetime, and we must find it and bring it to fruition before we run out of time. And there are others, like me, who believe that our purpose on this earth is far more multifaceted than we could possibly begin to imagine.

I give Soul Contract Readings to help people understand their lives and the potential within them.

A Soul Contract Reading works by taking the sound of your name and translating it into a series of numbers that represent the energies that flow through your lifetime. These readings are deeply joyful for me, not only because I found so much guidance in mine, but because it gives us some sense of understanding of our soul’s journey, which can be deeply validating and a great comfort for those of us who have felt so lost in this random, surprising and confusing world we find ourselves in.

And this is the key word that is the takeaway of this whole post: journey. As humans, we often become fixed on one idea, one goal, one ideal, and this is how we can trip ourselves up in our dogged pursuit to find the answer that all the world is seeking: “what is my soul purpose, why am I here and what am I meant to do?” and, not to mention, “who can help me?”.

Yet, life is one (hopefully long) beautiful journey that is continuously changing shape. Like a river that finds its way to the sea, losing its way and then finding it again as it twists and turns around the mountains, rocks, crevices and terrains, it is never a smooth, simple or straightforward journey.

Do we only have one soul purpose?

It this lens of understanding I don’t believe there is one soul purpose that we are all each here to specifically fulfil. I feel in my heart that there are many opportunities for us to fulfil many different destinies, and this is what creates the continuous freedom of expansion in our lives.

When we place the burden of expectation on our shoulders that there is one purpose, one lifetime and one chance, it creates a great pressure within our lives, narrowing our vision and funnelling our lives into a hunt for the end of the rainbow where we believe we’ll find our pot of gold.

In this atmosphere of determination to find our golden destiny we forget to look up at the world around us and witness the multi-coloured spectrum of colour in the sky above us as rainbow after rainbow merge into one beautiful, awe-inspiring display of light.

There is not one pot of gold, there is unlimited rainbows and treasures to discover in our life.

Yet, we cannot ever blame ourselves for this. We live in a society that presents us with so many opportunities that we become lost in the choice, confused as to which path to follow. It is the ultimate paradox of choice: if we could be anyone and do anything, who would we be and what would we do?

Part of me longs for a life of a marine biologist, another part of me wishes I’d had the life of an athlete, and a small part of me dreams of working on a yacht, and I have no doubt that if you explore within you, there are also little strands that tether off into possible realms of existence that you could have chosen at one time or another.

On the other side of the coin, some of us find ourselves in great lack and limitation. Instead of feeling overwhelmed with paralysis at the choice of options spread out for us to pick, like a deck of cards, we instead feel like we have very few options in front of us.

This could stem from physical limitations such as where we were born, our parents and our education, or it could be to do with the lack of belief within us that we are capable of doing whatever we put our mind to.

Whichever place that you find yourself, know that you’re not alone and there’s always room for change if we choose to walk through fear of not being good enough and unknot the overwhelm that keeps us stuck in our lives.

A spiritual awakening of our purpose

There is a point in life when we feel a great urge within us to discover new terrains in our life and slowly craft a new path for our river to flow. Of course, there are the hurdles of self-belief and fear that we must surmount to get there, yet these are entirely possible to overcome with self-compassion, patience and the courage to know ourself.

Some people call this a mid-life crisis but I choose to see it as an awakening of our soul who wants to let itself be heard inside of us.

Some people feel the call of their soul very early in their life, some very late, and some don’t hear it at all. We all have such different paths in our incarnations and each one must be respected and un-meddled with. Your path will look very different to the person’s next to you.

This awakening can come in all sorts of different ways; from a loud roar that catapults someone’s life completely upside down, or a gentle series of nudges that slowly come through to the surface of someone’s reality (which was my experience), but no matter how it comes, or when it comes, it is an invitation to explore what’s inside of us wanting to be heard.

It’s at this point that we seek answers, and this is how people find me and discover their Soul Contract.

They want to know what’s going on, why they’ve experienced everything they’ve gone through, what direction their soul is wanting them to follow, and how they can find the path that will create peace, ease and abundance in their life. But, more than anything else, they want to know what their purpose is.

Your soul contract and your soul purpose

There are four different parts of a Soul Contract. The first is Karma, which is where you can find life the most challenging. Yet, with each challenge comes the opportunity for great wisdom, which is why we call karma the seed of your potential.

The second part of the Soul Contract is the talents, which are the innate gifts and abilities that are inherent within you that you can activate to work through your karma and reach your goals. It’s these goals which are the third part of your Soul Contract, and they represent the things that your soul would really like you to achieve.

And lastly, there is your soul destiny, which describes the destiny of your soul in this lifetime. It is a culmination of all the energies in your chart that gives you an overview of the soul’s potential in this lifetime.

Each of us chose our soul contract before we arrived here on earth. We chose the karma and challenges that we wanted to experience, the talents that we wanted to embody and the goals we wanted to reach, as well as the destiny that we placed in the centre spotlight of this lifetime.

Our purpose on this earth is wrapped up in all of the energies in our Soul Contract and it is our choice as to how we weave these energies together to shape the picture of our lives.

We are the masters of this life all have our free will choice to follow any path that we choose, yet the Soul Contract is our map that we can take on our journey through this lifetime to point us towards the places that hold our potential, the places that hold our pain and how we can transcend through that pain into that potential.

It is the map that can guide us through this life, not towards a singular goal of our soul purpose but towards soul fulfilment, love, higher consciousness and our evolution.

When we find ourselves hunting for the elusive pot of gold that we believe is our singular our soul purpose we can lose sight of the wonder around us. While it’s human nature to seek answers to what our life is and why we’re here, I believe that there is so much divine purpose to us being on this earth that cannot be contained in a single answer.

I once read a beautiful paragraph in a book that spoke to someone seeking the purpose of their life. It kindly explained to them that they fulfilled their purpose in many moments, some great and some small. It could have been through kindness to a stranger, loving another or serving society in some small way, with kindness and love in their heart.

And perhaps this is what our soul purpose is; to come back to love, in any way that feels good, right and true for us.

If you’d like to explore your Soul Contract together, you can book a Reading with me here.

Carry on exploring


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