How to read your Soul Contract

how to read your soul contract

Have you discovered your Soul Contract? If not, then this might be your sign to do just that.

As a Soul Contract reading practitioner, I help you interpret and understand the energies in your Soul Contract so you can move forward in your life with a deeper understanding of the truth of who you are and how to harness the powers within your chart.

Not only that, but I help you gain deeper awareness and insight into what your soul is asking for and how we can assist you in the best possible way as you navigate through the trials and challenges of each of those powerful energies in your chart.

Each chart is like a fine tapestry, full of interwoven threads that create a unique reflection of your soul’s essence.

What’s more, in a reading, we don’t just look at the energies within your birth certificate name, which is the core element of your Soul Contract, but we go even further and explore all the different names you’ve had, as well as the names of those closest to you to understand their impact on you.

This includes your parents, partners, family, friends and any significant relationships you’ve had.

We may think that the energies of those around us don’t shape who we are, but they do, and this is what we want to explore so that we can gain an even more insightful perspective of your soul’s journey in this lifetime.

Each of us chose to come to earth, which can be a little hard to grasp as so many of us have suffered so much in our time on earth. Yet, we chose to be here, to experience this life and all of its emotional ups and downs.

Earth is a hard playground where we come into the depths of our emotions and, hopefully, transcend back to love. This is what all of our lifetimes are all about; coming back to love of ourselves and of the creator energies within us. We are one and the same and we cannot be separated.

Which is why we come to earth, to experience and overcome this separation.

Before we incarnate into another lifetime here, we choose to engage in a contract that will help us on our journey and soul’s evolution. This is what we look at in a Soul Contract Reading.

The Soul Contract comes from the sound of our name. Everything is vibration and sound is a pure frequency that creates our reality in each moment. Our names are not random; they are chosen, by us in communication with our parents before our conception.

Once we have our name, we translate it into the Hebrew alphabet which is made of twenty-two letters and corresponds with twenty-two numbers, that we then map onto our Star of David, which is our Soul Contract.

When we look at it I know it can be pretty confusing as to what the different parts of each chart mean, so I’m going to break it down for you using my chart as an example below.

My soul contract birth chart

How to read the different parts of your soul contract

The first thing we want to look at is if there are any repeating patterns. This is the first thing I look for when I look at someone’s contract. If you see the same numbers repeating then you know that the soul really wants to work on and expand those energies.

What’s more, when you look at your parents, you’ll also undoubtedly see repeating numbers coming through that show up to be embodied. We are the lucky generation that has an abundance of healing tools and modalities that can help us understand, clear and heal the wounds that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Yet, for our parents and grandparents' generation, they weren’t so fortunate to have the tools that we now have to understand ourselves. And this is why our parents' numbers often show up in our charts too; they’re ready to be worked through.

There’s one more thing I would also say about the patterns. If you see a lot of different numbers then there’s going to be a lot of different energies running through your chart, that might make life feel pretty intense. Almost like there’s a constant array of challenges that keep cropping up in your life.

At the same time, if you have the same numbers showing up in your chart, this might make life intense in a slightly different way because your soul really wants to work on these specific energies, so they're going to be throwing up the same challenges in your life over and over again.

If you look at your Soul Contract you’ll also see that there’s two triangles. If you have a short name you will only see one triangle, which means that there’s no separation between the physical and spiritual elements of your chart.

For most of us with a standard length birth name, we have the physical triangle that points downwards to the earth plane which contains the energies that come through earlier in our lives.

Then, as we age, we start to come into the spiritual element of our chart, pointing upwards to the heavens.

But every person is different, and there is no hard and fast rule on this. At the end of the day, the energies, whether they’re in the physical or spiritual element of the chart, are all going to be intermingling and playing up at different times.

Understanding the karma and challenges in the soul contract

Within the Soul Contract, you’ll then see that you have three different subsections. The first, and I feel the most important, is the karma, or you might read it in your contract as the challenges.

Karma is often something that scares us. We’ve been spooked into believing that karma is something to be afraid of and it will come to bite us. Yet, when we really dive into it, karma is the seed of our potential.

The energies in our karma are probably the ones we find most challenging in our life. For example, I have 5-5 in my physical karma which means I find it hard to assert myself and have trouble grounding into the earth’s vibrations. In fact, I’d rather just be an ethereal spirit and not even bother with earthly life!

So asserting myself has always been problematic for me my entire life, from school to jobs to boyfriends. Yet, this is where my potential lies.

Each number is like a seesaw, containing a gentle balance between the positive and negative aspects of each number. Usually, the karmic numbers are still in the negative until we become aware of them and bring them into the positive.

And the positive energies of 5-5 are all about feeling grounded, connecting to my intuition, asserting myself, and speaking my truth. They’re also massively pioneering energies which means that I can use them to create and invent wonderful things in my life, if I choose to engage with them.

So, before we bring the energies of our karma out of the negative and into the positive, we first need to become aware of them and then actively engage with them so we can begin to work with them, rather than against them, to create truly wonderful opportunities in our lives.

As I said earlier, karma is the seed of our potential. Yes, it’s the most challenging energy of the chart, but it’s there for a reason and it’s up to us to lean into it, rather than disengage from it.

How to activate our talents and qualities

The second part of the Soul Contract chart that we’re going to look at is the talents, or qualities.

Sometimes we can be aware of what our strengths are, but sometimes we still need to activate them to truly bring them online, which is exactly why knowing what they are through a Soul Contract reading can be so incredibly beneficial for us.

Talents are also what we can use to work through our karma and reach our goals. They’re like the tasty filling of a sandwich that we want to really start engaging with as much as we can.

Sometimes, we may not resonate with our talents, but this is all to do with confidence, experience, and trust.

If you have a number in your talents that you don’t resonate with, then it may be blocked, and you might have to work through your karma first in order to really feel the energies of those talents come online.

And that’s okay; there’s no rush when it comes to the Soul Contract work. Your Soul Contract is for your whole lifetime, not just for this month, so it’s totally normal for it to take time.

In any spiritual work that we do, patience is our ally. When we try to rush through things, as I am definitely prone to doing, then we don’t fully integrate the lessons and learnings, meaning we usually have to repeat them all over again for them to really sink in.

If you have talents that you resonate with but don’t feel fully confident about then that’s okay too. I have spiritual talents of 7-7 which is all about connecting with people, coming out of hiding, and showing up as my completely authentic self, which is actually quite terrifying for me.

However, the 7-7 energy is also about catalysing others and connecting them to what they need, which is precisely what I do within my work.

So, like with any number in any position, we are always working on bringing the energy of each number out of the negative and into the positive. Sometimes we may resonate with certain elements of the energy and others we may feel really indifferent to or even in denial about.

The trick is to take your time with it, go over and engage with each number many times, and then its true meaning will slowly become apparent to you, and you’ll grasp the depth that each number truly holds.

What are our goals, drives and soul destiny?

The last part of the chart is the goals, or the drives, which I’m going to look at in tandem with the soul destiny, which is the number slap bang in the middle of your chart.

A lot of us want to know our purpose, why we’re here and what we’re meant to be doing. So, we seek those answers in our Soul Contract, yet it’s not as simple on the surface as it may seem.

I believe that our soul destiny is a culmination of all the different energies of our chart. All the numbers in our contract have laid a winding path towards the conclusion of our lifetime here, which is our soul destiny, so it cannot be looked at or understood in isolation.

This is why readings with a practitioner are so powerful because we take you down that path, showing you things along the way, so that the soul's destiny, when we finally arrive at it, makes sense to you.

The goals are all about what we came here to achieve. They are what our soul wants us to do but interestingly the goals in our Soul Contract can be a little karmic. This means that they can feel challenging to us and a little uncomfortable, just like the karma, and sometimes even more so than the karma!

The goals and soul destiny are the culmination of working through our karma, activating our talents, and embodying the energies of our chart so we can do what we really came here to do, but they can still feel quite abstract which can be frustrating to some of us looking for a clear answer to our life’s purpose.

As an example, my goals are 9-9 and 7-7 (yup, I have a lot of 7-7 energy in my charts!) which is all about overcoming disempowerment and resistance to stepping into my power alongside healing my heart so I can integrate as one person and magnetize all I need to me.

Then, my soul destiny is a 12-3 which means that I’m here to find balance and slow down, alongside sharing knowledge, teaching and coming into full worthiness.

Pretty abstract, right? But this is the gem within the Soul Contract work. We all want easy, quick solutions and answers to our problems, and we also seek the safety and comfort of someone telling us what to do.

But this work is all about empowerment.

We get to make the decisions in our lives. We are not victims of circumstance; we are co-creators in our lives. And, as someone wise once told me, the numbers in our Soul Contract are not meant to define us, they are there to guide us, and we have complete control over how we can engage with them and use them to fully embody our soul’s journey here on earth.

If you’d like to explore your Soul Contract together, you can book a Reading with me here.


Carry on exploring


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