Using your soul contract as a guide

using you soul contract as a guide

For many of us spiritual seekers, the world, and our life within it, is constantly shifting from highs and lows.

We feel great pleasure and peace in knowing that our time here on earth is so much greater than the matrix wants us to believe. Yet, at the same time, as more light pours into our being as our consciousness shifts and changes, we also come face to face with the darkness inside too.

And it can sometimes feel just overwhelming and exhausting.

I don’t think I’ve ever had a truly dark night of the soul. I’ve had many nights, and many daytimes, where life has felt immeasurably bleak. And I think the same is for most of us too. Some of us go through months of dark soulful nights, while some of us rise high then dip low with alarming frequency.

This earthly life is no laughing matter. While at times it can be joyous in how utterly bonkers and weird it all is, it’s also desperately sad at times as we all struggle to find our way home to God/the Universe which is where we came from.

Using your Soul Contract on your journey to self-discovery

So, in this duality of wonder and suffering, where we willingly keep trudging on, loving the deeper understanding we are gaining about ourselves and the world around us, yet at the same time dealing with the trauma and shadows within us that are knocking on the door asking to be let out, it’s quite handy to have a little guide to show us along the way.

I’ll admit, as much as I love this work (and I really do) my Soul Contract Reading wasn’t my first reading.

In fact, the first Reading I ever had was a palm reading from my very good friend, Soren Dreier, who sadly passed away last year. The wisdom he imparted for me has stayed with me for many years, offering so much comfort, support and love, even now.

That’s the impact that hearing the truth of your life has on you. It opens you up and invites you on an inwardly-expanding journey. It’s an initiation into your being.

And then, last year, I was lucky enough to discover the Soul Contract Reading work which was just as powerful, transformative and supportive. So much so, that I trained in the work and now, to my delight, get to share this wonderful transmission with those who are also seeking to understand themselves on a deeper level.

I don’t think I really knew who I was before I knew the numbers in my Soul Contract and what they meant. Sure, I’d been on a journey of self-discovery for the past several years, as most of you who are reading this are surely on, but I didn’t really understand who I was.

I hadn’t yet grounded into the reality of myself. Which is why it’s no surprise that I have an 8-8 in my karma which is all about grounding into the body and into society. Perhaps that’s also why I’ve constantly moved in my life, never being able to settle anyway.

Understanding yourself and your life in an entirely new light

When you look at the numbers in your chart, and all the meanings that come with them, it all becomes perfectly clear: why you are the way you are, why you struggle, where you thrive and how you can bring it all together to create a roadmap for your path forwards in life.

The answers are all in your soul contract, laid out in black and white, helping you to truly see, know and understand yourself like you never have before.

A Soul Contract Reading isn’t just a guide for your life now, it’s a guide for your past self, your future self, and everyone around you, who will be impacted by the pure frequency of truth as you connect to your soul on this extraordinary level.

I love the quote ‘with great power comes great responsibility’ because I’d change it to say ‘with great knowledge comes great responsibility’, and that’s exactly what you gain from knowing yourself on such a deep soul level.

With this great awareness of your karma, talents, goals, gifts and destiny, you become completely responsible for radically altering the course of your life, if you so choose to do so. You also take responsibility for who you are, the choices you make, the life you live, and this is the most important and empowering thing you can do for yourself.

Yet, there is no blame or judgement on who your soul chose you to be in this lifetime. There is only great compassion and love. We observe you through the lens of clarity and perspective as you step outside of your life, for perhaps the first time, and truly see what is going on under the surface.

Sometimes, we can be so wrapped up in our lives that we can’t see the bigger picture of what’s really going on, causing us to go round in never-ending circles (and if you have a 15-6 in your Soul Contract that might very well be you).

This is the gift of a Reading. It zooms you out of your life and, if you’re willing, shows you how to transmute through the karma that is keeping you stuck, how to activate your talents to truly bring them online, and how to embrace the goals and soul destiny that your soul is longing you to follow.

Letting compassion free yourself and your soul

While I said at the beginning that this spiritual life can be full of ups and downs and highs and lows, there is also a beautiful place of peace.

Peace always starts from within, for there can be no external peace until we at first stop waging war with ourselves (and if you have a 22-4 in your chart you might very well feel this war and tension within you).

And peace begins with compassion, first and foremost for ourselves, for how can we be truly and honestly loving and compassionate for others if we can’t give it to ourselves?

Diving into our soul’s agenda for this lifetime brings us the compassion that we all need, want and deserve. Once we realise that our soul took us to earth to experience all of the energies that are placed within our soul contract, we can begin to find that inner peace that moves us out of the victim mindset of ‘why me’ to a place of pure understanding and awareness that all is exactly as it’s meant to be.

A Soul Contract Reading doesn’t give you the solutions but instead does something far greater; it empowers you with the knowledge to create these for yourself.

You are responsible for yourself and your soul wants you to know that there is such a deeper purpose for your expression here on earth, and it will see to it that you truly understand your purpose here, so you can align with its mission and fulfil the soul destiny that you came here to do.

Out of darkness, comes light, out of war, comes peace and out of fear, comes love. This is where we’re all heading, humanity is on its ascension back to a state of loving consciousness, and when you and your soul start to work together, we’ll get there even faster.

If you’d like to explore your Soul Contract together, you can book a Reading with me here.


Carry on exploring


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