Your Simple Guide to Understanding the Soul Contract Numbers

Your Simple Guide to Understanding the Soul Contract Numbers

Knowing your Soul Contract can be one of the most validating and liberating experiences on your spiritual journey here on Earth.

I know this because, when I discovered mine back in 2022, it felt like so many parts of me finally made sense.

As my understanding of my Soul Contract - and my awareness of its energies and how they interweave in my life - has grown, my life feels less chaotic and flows more gracefully.

Knowing your Soul Contract is like seeing the map of your life laid out on the table before you. You can look back at where you’ve been, notice your present location, and even plot your future journey.

While it’s not fortune-telling and cannot give you exact answers to your questions, it can provide you with a deeper understanding of your very being - one that you can carry with you for the rest of your lifetime.

What is a Soul Contract?

For anyone new to the concept of a Soul Contract, let me explain what it’s all about.

Before we incarnated on this Earth to live one of our many lifetimes, we created a contract to hold certain energies in place that would help us grow in consciousness and return to the truth of who we are: Source energy.

Our Soul Contract isn’t a sentence that we must carry out in this lifetime. I know many of us feel abandoned on Earth and question why we chose to come to a place full of suffering. Instead, it’s a contract we chose to incarnate with to help us return to love.

Each person’s Soul Contract is created from the sound of their name. Sound is frequency, and it’s the vibration of our name that carries the energies co-creating our reality. If you’d like to learn how to read your Soul Contract, check that out here.

There are 22 numbers, or what we call the frequencies of God, that make up the numbers in the Soul Contract system. Each of these numbers carries a unique meaning.

Numbers are neither positive nor negative; they are open to interpretation. Each carries a profound depth of meaning, helping us transition out of their lower frequencies and into the possibilities of expansion.

Each number is deep and complex and connects differently with everyone, depending on their life experiences and personal healing and spiritual journey. This is why a live reading can be so powerful in helping you understand how all the different energies flow and intermingle.

Below is a top-level guide to give you a taste of what each number in your chart means. If you’d like to explore this further, I’ve included links for you below.

1 - Unity, power and stability

The energy of 1 in the Soul Contract Reading system is all about the energies of Archangel Michael, the masculine expression of God. There could be an avoidance of spiritual growth with this energy, yet it is very powerful and can transform people’s lives.

You’re here to: illuminate the pathway back to source for those who are drawn to work with you.

2 - Emotional resilience

This energy is all about navigating through life’s ups and downs by growing in wisdom and resiliency. Initially impulsive, the 2 energy is here to learn balance and judgement to smooth out life’s bumps, for themselves and for others around them.

You’re here to: become wise and emotionally resilient.

3 - Master number of communication

Communication is the key energy of this number. You’re here to learn to come out of hiding and express yourself and your soul wisdom, feeling worthy and abundant of all you desire. It’s a journey to self-worth and learning to embrace the role of teaching.

You’re here to: express your inner self through communication and teaching, and to make money.

4 - Trust

With this energy you are here to learn to reconnect with God, feeling worthy of their support and love. With high achieving energies and natural intelligence, this energy is here to learn to share and come out of selfishness and open back to trusting the flow, knowing you are always supported.

You’re here to: share yourself with the world and radiate all that you are.

5 - Truth

It can feel hard to assert yourself with this energy but speaking your truth is important to you. It’s easy to get stuck in the mental processing of thinking and lack grounding as these are highly intuitive energies that are completely connected to source.

You’re here to: completely open the mind to the soul and assert yourself and your truth.

6 - Creativity

When this energy reconnects to the creative force within, anything is possible. It can be easy to get scattered, stuck and burnout with the 6 energy, but they are here to become the creative architects of the world. Releasing anger is an important part of the journey of this energy.

You’re here to: become focused and creative.

7 - Work with and heal the heart

This number requires gentle heart healing to overcome heartbreak that causes this energy to hide behind a mask in order to stay safe. Learning to let go of control, trust oneself and become decisive, are all important themes of this master energy.

You’re here to: integrate as one person and express your true self.

8 - Grounding

With this energy it can be hard to feel emotions and it’s preferable to stay numb to them, and disconnect from this earthly and emotional reality. While this energy can struggle with attachment and a lack of boundaries, they are gentle and nurturing, and must learn to look after their physical vessels.

You’re here to: become grounded in society and reach out to emotionally connect with people.

9 - Power

The most powerful number in the Soul Contract system is this dragon energy of the 9 which is a complete connection to God. They are here to overcome disempowerment and learn to trust their intuitive channels so they can use this unstoppable energy for a force of good in this world.

You’re here to: claim back and express your power with great integrity.

10 - Manifestation of God

This is Virgo energy, learning to let go of criticism, judgement and perfectionism that you expect of yourself and others. As the highest God-like energies, it can be a struggle to fit into earthly life and find your place, but all your satisfaction and fulfilment comes from being in service to others.

You’re here to: achieve conscious mastery of self in this lifetime.

11 - Assimilation and structure

Big lessons of transformation sit in the 11 energy, coming from experiences close to death, yet it is the trauma, carried over family and ancestors, that is really in need of healing in this lifetime. Part of this energy is learning to be self-dependent and build your own value system.

You’re here to: create your structure of truth, and worth through it.

12 - Absorption, expansion and love

If you have this number you’re here to learn how to achieve balance, despite your strong desire to continually learn and express yourself. The primary lesson is to slow down and to see the obstacles in your path as messages from the universe to lean into where a lack of self-worth is still showing in your life.

You’re here to: expand and achieve balance in your physical, emotional and spiritual expression in life.

13 - Love of Divine Feminine

The energy of the mother is idealistic, spiritual, nurturing and creative, which is what this number invites you into being. A maternal sign of water and wisdom that encourages you to nurture your relationship with the feminine and heal any wounds that are still hurting.

You’re here to: become loving and wise.

14 - Reflection and intensity

This is a sign of etheric and reflected essence, or what we might call a magic mirror of depth, mysteries and secrecies. Often involving intense relationships in order to learn the truth of who we are, this number is all about slowing down, grounding and learning to fully accept ourselves.

You’re here to: discover who you truly are, and accept it.

15 - Feeling God within

This energy is often seeking answers, not realising that all the answers they seek are already within. This can cause the 15 energy to go around in circles, seeking answers and losing their direction. It’s a gentle spiritual journey to wake up and become conscious of God within.

You’re here to: find God within, and without, and discover your purpose in life.

16 - Grounding Spirit on earth

Here to accept spirituality and to release and anger and soften the hard vibrations that are blocking love in their life. An ambitious and reliable energy that is here to connect with Spirit and relate them to the physical plane. Often they rebel against this role yet they are here to grow spiritually.

You’re here to: learn how to bring Spirit to earth in an accessible manner.

17 - Expression into society

This is a sign of speech, good business sense and a using clear verbal expression to talk, write and express their truth within. This energy is here to overcome soul suppression, perhaps from the family, and come out of slavery and into true freedom of expression.

You’re here to: be the mouth of God and teach.

18 - Choosing to follow Spirit

This is an energy of finality where it is important to finish projects and plans. This is the Aquarius energy of futuristic and humanitarian inventiveness. Highly evolved energies, these are powerful beings often seeking new challenges and international experiences to be in service to others.

You’re here to learn to make decisions, finish projects and follow Spirit to the end.

19 - Spirit holding space

This is a compassionate, intuitive and emotional energy that can hold space for others, yet to do this you must learn to laugh at yourself in order to not take yourself, and life, too seriously. This represents a positive effort for mankind with strong service-orinetated energies.

You’re here to: set up this space and learn to laugh.

20 - Movement

Overcoming rigidity to discover, learn and explore new beliefs is a key energy of 20. This energy is all about creative, flowing energies of movement, who want to go further than their family or society have explored. This is physical and emotional exploration through flexibility.

You’re here to learn to: become the explorer and let go of rigid beliefs.

21 - Endurance and hardship

You’re here to use intelligence, endurance, strength and durability to last, overcome and grow. It’s important to overcome any blocks in your life through consciously moving through them. This is an energy of great strength and hugely goal-orientated, where they must let go of doing everything the hard way.

You’re here to: develop endurance and unblock your power and creativity.

22 - Completion and source

This is the final number in the system and the completion of the cycle. This energy is all about overcoming any inner beliefs of worthlessness or ugliness, to remember their eternal connection to self, Source and soul. This is a service centered soul who must overcome any inner torment from feeling disconnected from God.

You’re here to: learn the proper use of the Creator energies within you.

If you’d like to read more about the Soul Contract system, check out my articles below or stay in touch for similar posts through my newsletter by signing up here (and also receive a set of daily reminders to support you as you build your emotional resiliency). You can also book a live reading if you feel ready to explore further!

Carry on exploring


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