Understanding Your Relationships Through Your Soul Contract

Understanding Your Relationships Through Your Soul Contract

Relationships form the basis of human existence.

The relationship we have with ourselves, first and foremost, as well as the relationships we form with those around us; our family, friends, lovers, business partners, colleagues and all the many others.

It’s these relationships that contain the gift of wisdom that, if we choose to see it, can enrich and enlighten our lives in so many incredible ways.

Every person we meet in this lifetime is a mirror, reflecting back to us who we are. We are all formed out of the same mould, little ripples in the energetic current of life. Like droplets of water in the ocean that think that they’re separate.

We are in everyone and everyone is in us, yet our little earth suits keep us in the illusion of separation, and we come to earth to remember our connectedness to all of those around us.

This is why we have relationships; to learn to love others, and ourselves, unconditionally, and see ourselves as one.

Relationships help our soul evolve

Relationships also help us to evolve and raise our consciousness so that we can know the truth of our existence outside of the matrix of separation, illusion, fear and lack that we believe is our reality.

If we’re willing and committed to knowing ourselves on a deeper level, by facing up to the shadow within us as well as the light, we meet others along the path who are going to help us do exactly that.

Often, the most challenging relationships are the ones where we grow the most. Whether that’s from growing up with neglectful parents to narcissistic bosses or abusive partners.

There is the belief that prior to our incarnation we choose all of our experiences, picking the people we want to meet who would teach us the most about ourselves, which is a hard concept to grasp, especially when we’ve had relationships with people that have broken us or stripped us of everything.

How could we have chosen this path for ourselves willingly? Yet, this is what our soul chose for us to learn from, for without challenging relationships, there would be no growth.

Earth is where we come to feel

Earth is a school of learning and experiencing the deepest range of emotions in order to know what it’s really like to properly feel.

If we didn’t have these relationships that challenge and test us, we would be flat-lining through life, for without the lows we can’t experience the highs.

Yet, where most of us get stuck is landing in a victim mindset without seeing the silver linings of these relationships that have tested us in such extreme ways. Of course, we need to address the trauma, heal the wounds and gently bring our nervous system and self-esteem back to a place of richness and vitality, but we also need to let ourselves witness the learnings.

There is never a difficult relationship, whether it’s with a parent, partner or child, that we come out of not learning about ourselves and humanity as a whole in some way or another.

This is the gold, the alchemy and where the transformation comes about.

We just need the distance and space to come to a place of observation rather than reaction, which is why the healing is so important. For it’s hugely empowering to observe a situation rather than getting tangled up in the knotty web of judgements, blame, anger, fear or shame, all of which cloud our judgement and distract us from the truth of the situation.

Yet, we’re all human and most of us do get too caught up in the grittiness of the human emotions that bog us down and distract us from seeing the gems of wisdom that lead us to a place of compassion, understanding and peace within ourselves.

The freedom of understanding your relationships

This is why a Soul Contract  Reading is so healing for those who wish to understand the truth of their relationships, from a place of clarity, without getting entangled in the emotional debris.

We live in a world of energy. It is unseen yet felt in everything. We are all just ripples in a vast ocean of energy and everyone carries a unique set of energies which are set in place within the Soul Contract.

The energies we carry interact with the energies of others through our relationships with them.

First and foremost we have our families, and I believe we choose our families before we come to earth in order to help our soul learn a particular lesson or evolve in some particular way. This is why families can drive us absolutely mad in so many ways: no one tests or triggers us like our parents or siblings.

So, by looking at the family in a reading we can dissect the charts to see how these hidden dynamics are impacting your life.

Often, families will have very similar numbers as generational themes play out through paternal and maternal timelines, which is no surprise as we are all imprinted by our parents from birth, so whatever they might be carrying, we also carry.

Most of us also find our parents deeply challenging. Some of us have been deeply hurt by them and wish we understood the reason behind their actions, which is why a Soul Contract Reading can be so healing as we can often see why by looking at the dynamics between their Soul Contract and yours.

The patterns in our romantic relationships

Then we have our romantic relationships which are another huge learning experience along with our families.

By looking at the patterns within past relationships, as well as current partners, we can see how the energies interact. And, in particular, why some relationships felt so good and why some clashed so deeply, and what your soul wanted to learn from these experiences.

Different energies in two people’s charts can create all sorts of eruptions, karmic clashes, heat and fiery outbursts, or they can be nurturing, soothing, supportive and bring out the best in each other.

The reasons for the clashes, intensity and butting of heads in relationships can all be seen in a reading, giving us a way forward into a place of understanding, awareness and compassion as we connect with these people in our lives on a much deeper level, without the emotions that rise up when confronted by these people that challenge us the most, getting in the way.

By looking at the dynamics between ourselves and our partners we can become aware of how their energies are affecting us and the impact of our energy on them, which can be extremely helpful when we feel frustrated or confused by their actions.

Often, we’re meant to learn through these romantic relationships yet so many of us get stuck in the same destructive cycles of going after the same type of person. Our soul wants us to learn, which is why the same types of partners come around until we get the memo, heal and break the cycle.

When we know what our karmic challenges are in a Soul Contract Reading (and the reason for these destructive cycles) we can begin to work on them and stop the cycle in its tracks.

Getting to know yourself through relationships is the key

The more you know yourself, the more you can embody who you truly are in a powerful and authentic way that attracts everything in likeness back towards you.

So many of us live behind a mask, hiding our true selves away through fear of not being good enough, and suppressing our deepest and truest emotions through fear of judgement and fear of vulnerability.

Yet, it’s relationships that bring us out of our shells; through being with others, we learn more about who we are and it’s a truly beautiful thing.

As someone with 8’s in my karma in my Soul Contract, I have a tendency to want to avoid relationships; finding them too vulnerable, too exposing and too risky. Yet, I’m beginning to understand how powerful they are if I allow myself to let go and lean into what I might learn about myself.

This is what I found when I studied the Soul Contract work; I began to know myself on levels that I wasn’t even aware I existed on. And, through looking at the relationships in my life, I began to see how they shaped me in so many ways. From the talents my parents passed onto me, to the ways my brother’s powerful energy supports mine, to the reasons why I had the relationships that I had.

If you too want to understand yourself and the dynamics of the relationships in your life, why not book a Soul Contract Reading and come into a place of greater truth, authenticity and power as you begin to see your life in a whole new light.

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