3 things you learn about yourself in a soul contract reading

soul contract reading

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When I had my own Soul Contract Reading I had no idea what I was getting myself into, which is often the case before something blows your mind.

I’d had a reading before, from my beautiful friend Soren, which helped me see into the depths of myself that I hadn’t yet ventured into. It was a gift at a time of darkness that gave me much lightness to guide the way forwards.

It also gave me a huge relief to be seen by someone so clearly when my own understanding of myself was so foggy and unclear.

Like the saying ‘you can’t see the wood through the trees’ we can’t see the truth of who we really are unless we are plucked from our narrow and limited perspective and helicoptered far above the trees.

Often, we’re running through life blind, deaf and dumb to who we really are and why we’re here.

And that’s totally ok. That’s the whole point of being alive is to figure ourselves out and explore our world we’ve landed in, internally and externally. It’s not meant to be simple or easy, it’s meant to challenge us, enthrall us and enrich our mind, body and soul on every level.

This is where a reading can be such a gift, it whatever form it comes in.

You learn your karma

In a Soul Contract Reading we translate the letters of your birth name into ancient Hebrew, which shows us the energies that are flowing through your soul’s expression in this lifetime.

A Soul Contract is an agreement your soul made before it incarnated, where it chose the challenges and experiences it wanted to feel in this lifetime. In a reading we break these down into karma, talents and goals.

Karma often has a bad reputation but it’s really nothing to be afraid of. It’s an energy that the soul has perhaps carried through from a previous lifetime or is wanting to explore in this one.

When you understand what karma you are carrying in your life you can look back at your life experiences and see why you’ve struggled in certain areas of your life. It connects the dots between the challenges you’ve had and why they’re there.

Ultimately, karma is here to help us grow, develop and explore who we are. Despite the difficulties we may experience in our life because of it, it is here for us to transmute it and transform it into our greatest strength.

Alchemy is the process of transformation, showing us that it is often from the darkest places that we discover our strength. If you look at anyone who has achieve great success in their life, hwoever you define it, it is often through their pain that they find themselves, and karma is here to do exactly that for you too.

My karma revolves around wanting to continually expand but finding it hard to settle into society and ground into my body. It explains so well why I’ve moved so often, changed jobs, lived in different places, never settling or committing, and why I’m always on the edge of burnout and overwhelm. It’s something I’ve always struggled with, and now I know why.

With awareness comes great power. Now I know this, I can begin to take the necessary measures to ground myself into society and into my body so I can begin to create a beautiful life for myself.

You learn what you’re good at

The second part of a Soul Contract Reading involves helping us to see what we’re good at. Most of us have a vague idea of what our strengths are, but sometimes we’re just not aware of how talented we really are.

I’d also add that part of the problem of recognising and activating our talents comes from a lack of self-belief. Often, we want to do something but our shyness and lack of confidence stops us.

A beautiful part of a reading is that we explore your talents, whether you’re aware of them or not, so you can begin to start really activating them and using them to work through your karma.

The talents we come to earth with are our greatest gifts and our soul is longing for us to understand them and start using them for our greatest good.

If you already know what you’re good at, understanding your talents is a wonderful reaffirmation that can embolden you to keep pursuing your gifts and putting them out into the world. And, if you don’t know what they are yet, let me empower you to start to know and recognise them within yourself.

This is the gift of a reading, a nudge from your soul encouraging you to explore, dive into and pursue the things that light you up.

My talents were a surprise to me but a very welcome one. I’m good at bringing people together and sharing wisdom with an open heart, something that I already love to do through my work and my writing.

When you discover your talents you can begin to activate them, meaning you can focus your energy and attention on honing the skills that are going to power up your life.

You learn what you’re really here to do

The last part of the reading is to understand our goals. This is what we’re really here to do in this lifetime, using our talents to work through our karma so we can reach them.

Goals represent the ultimate pinnacle for our souls to reach for, culminating in our soul destiny, which is the final part of the reading, tying it all beautifully together.

While goals are what we’re really here to do, there’s still some karma to work through before we reach them. A good example is using my goal of 9-9 which are all about overcoming disempowerment so I can step into my power. Easier said than done because a huge part of reaching our goals is about working through the karmic aspect of them.

For me, this is all about learning from disempowering situations, learning how to create healthy boundaries, walking away from abusive situations and letting go of the people, circumstances or situations that disempower me.

It’s amazing how I can look back on my life, and even in the sublest of ways, see this theme playing out and understand why it’s happening. From the toxic company I worked for in London to the relationship I narrowly escaped from only last year, these situations were there to empower me to see the truth of them, step into my power, and walk away.

This is the beauty of a reading, it gives you such a deep understanding of your life on all these different levels. It’s with this awareness that we have great power; power to reframe the past, power to change, power to learn and power to heal.

The sooner you know what your karma is, and how to overcome it, what your talents are, whether you’re aware of them or not, and what your goals are and what you’re really here to do, everything changes.

You’re no longer running blind, deaf and dumb through the trees. You’re flying high above, with wings on your back and the wind in your hair, feeling freedom and empowerment in a way you’ve never experienced before.

If you’d like to explore your Soul Contract together, you can book a Reading with me here.


Carry on exploring


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