What happens in a Soul Contract Reading?

What happens in a Soul Contract Reading

I have 5’s in my Soul Contract which is all about being a pioneer, an innovator and a visionary, which is probably why I decided to train in Soul Contract Reading.

5’s also mean that the truth is extremely important to me and in this work I witness the exchange of truth in every Reading I do. It is remarkable to me how accurate and powerful Readings are, which is why I wanted to share what happens in a Soul Contract Reading, because I know how many of you are also seeking the truth in your lives.

All of us want to know ourselves better. It’s why we love astrology, human design and all manner of self-knowledge that gives us further insight and clarity into why we are the way we are.

We’re all seeking answers to life’s mysteries, such as why we’re here, what life is all about and how we can make meaning out of our time here on earth. The truth is so important to us and we’ll do anything to discover it.

Yet, there is one thing that we’re looking for perhaps more than anything else and that is how to fulfil our potential and find our purpose in life. Because when we know this, we can know true satisfaction.

Your soul chooses your experiences

A lot of spiritual seekers are feeling lost right now, overwhelmed by the chaos of the world and looking for answers that can help guide them to the next step of our journey. Yet it can sometimes feel harder than ever to find the truth in the world when there’s so many options available.

As someone who is easily overwhelmed I know how difficult it can be to discern the truth when so many people are shouting over one another, trying to claim that they know best for you. It can be utterly deafening.

Yet in reality, no one knows you better than you know yourself, which is what makes a Soul Contract Reading so incredibly powerful. In a Reading I don’t tell you what you don’t already know deep within, I just remind you of it.

Your Soul had a precise plan when it incarnated on earth, with a specific set of experiences, and in a Reading I remind you of what those experiences are. It may seem hard to understand why certain things had to happen in your life, but the answers are always there in the Soul Contract.

It also knows what you’re really here to do in this lifetime, which is what we call your soul destiny, and it’s within this cosmic blueprint of your life that all these answers are stored, waiting to be unveiled so that you can start activating your potential, aligning your life and getting on with your mission.

How does a Soul Contract Reading work?

A Soul Contract Reading works by taking the letters of your birth name and translating them into the Hebrew alphabet.

Each letter corresponds to a number and it’s these numbers that carry the frequency that create a specific set of karma, talents and goals that your soul wishes to work through in this lifetime.

A chart can seem very simple at first glance, yet the story within your chart can be infinitely complex, with all sorts of interrelated narratives weaving a picture of your life.

The main thing we want to know in a Reading is where you are within your Soul Contract. It could be that you’re still stuck in a karmic aspect and we need to support you to move through it.

Or perhaps you might be underestimating your talents and we need to touch on all the ways to activate them and bring them online.

It could also be that you’re not sure what the bigger picture is in your life and you need a helicopter view to help you understand the goals that you’re really here to achieve.

So really, a Reading is like a story. A gentle dialogue between the giver and receiver. And, more often than not, I attract clients with the same numbers in my chart as in theirs, as I am uniquely positioned to help them understand themselves because our soul contracts contain the same frequencies that make us a vibrational match.

This is where the magic is in a Reading. Once you know your numbers, or the numbers in your family and relationships, everything starts slotting into place and making sense.

A Soul Contract Reading is your treasure map

So many of us are feeling lost, not knowing how to break out of jobs that we’ve found ourselves in, knowing we’re meant for more but feeling frustrated and impatient that we can’t seem to make it happen.

Sometimes we look to other people to give us answers as to what we should do, where we should work or even who we should be. Yet, this isn't something a Soul Contract Reading gives you.

It doesn’t tell you what career to follow, but it might show you what business acumen and skills you can leverage. It won’t tell you whether you should quit your job but it will suggest that you have untapped creative potential that is waiting to be explored.

It also can’t give you a specific answer for what you should be doing with your life, but it will indicate why you’re feeling so stuck and impatient for answers, then help you through.

When we know why we’re struggling or finding a particular area of life challenging, it can be hugely freeing and healing to have that awareness and clarity. On top of that, I provide specific recommendations to help you break through any areas you’re struggling with, giving you tools and suggestions to make life smoother and more graceful for you.

This is why a Reading is so invaluable because it works like a treasure map. All the answers are in the map and it’s up to us to decode it together to help you along your way.

Finding your purpose and potential

As I said earlier, so many of us are looking for the truth in our lives about what our purpose is and why we’re here.

Sometimes we can be so fixated on finding our destiny, desperate to escape our reality and the present moment, that we forget the most basic laws of energy. What we seek only gets further away the more we look for it.

I know the feeling and you probably know the feeling too. So, what if I told you that everything happens in Divine Timing, and for the truth to open up to us and reveal itself, we only need to let go and allow ourselves to stay open to all potentials and possibilities.

This is aparigraha, the idea of letting go to allow what wants to come, come. It’s also fate, Divine timing, faith, trust, serendipity, or whatever you want to call it.

It can often take a lifetime for a soul destiny to come online because we’re still caught up in the karma of our soul contract, desperately fighting our way through, without seeing the bigger picture, which is why it takes so long.

Having a Reading can help you see where you have the potential to go, and what you need to work through first to get there, which can bring a great relief, peace and freedom.

Also, a Soul Contract Reading always happens at the perfect time, showing you what you need to understand at this point in time of your life.

Then, because it’s recorded, you can listen to it again and again to receive an even deeper layer of meaning, so you aren’t lost in the darkness anymore. Instead you have this beacon of light that will carry you forwards, that you can keep coming back to time and time again.

If you’d like to explore your Soul Contract together, you can book a Reading with me here.


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