Four Ways to Stay Grounded On Your Spiritual Journey
I meet a lot of people on their spiritual journey.
Some of them have been delving into the secrets of the universe and within themselves for decades, and others are just beginning to lightly tread onto the path of their own awakening.
It’s hard to encapsulate what exactly a spiritual journey is, but in my own definition it simply means this - ‘a journey inwards to get to know yourself and the truth of your existence’. It is an awakening to our own spiritual nature as a spark of God living in a universe that is built for us to play in.
Perhaps that’s a bit simple but sometimes it’s good to keep things simple, for when we overcomplicate things our minds get tangled in the overwhelm of possibilities, and we lose sight of what truly matters.
When we start stepping onto the path of spirituality it can feel like a really intense experience. Suddenly, things start happening, coincidences fall across our path, we lose touch with some people and connect with others.
Spiritual awakening on your spiritual journey
We can wake up to our lives as we have been living them and suddenly find ourselves wondering how we got there. And this isn’t something that happens just once.
While we talk about the ‘dark night of the soul’ as the epitome of a spiritual awakening, the truth is that we often have many smaller moments of clarity, that gradually build and build.
This was my experience. There was no big moment of clarity, there was just a build up of situations and realisations that layered up, shifting and weaving my life into directions I could have never anticipated.
Many times I felt lost, unsure and alone, wondering why I didn’t feel like I fit in and questioning what was wrong with me that I didn’t want to do the things that society tells us we should do.
I moved, often, running away from lives that I thought weren’t the right fit for me, and running into situations that mirrored the truth back to me, but which I wasn’t ready to acknowledge and didn’t have the tools to interpret.
So, here’s five things I want to share with you, wherever you are on your spiritual journey, in the hope that it brings you a sense of comfort, support and guidance, in what can often be an emotionally confusing and disorientating time.
Leaning into the intense emotional experience
When we start to open to our spiritual nature it can create some intense emotional experiences for us.
This is because we are suddenly starting to open our eyes and see the truth within us and within the world that we live in, which can be heartbreaking and scary at the same time.
I opened to Spirit in 2020, which was an absolute calamity of a year for so many of us. I intuitively felt that something was incredibly wrong with the events that were playing out in the theatre of the world.
This was my intuition kicking into awareness in a major way - which felt like a blessing and a curse at the same time.
As someone with many 5’s in her Soul Contract, the truth is really important to me, and what I was seeing unfolding in the world felt like a giant lie. And so, of course, I researched, I un-learned what I had always believed to be true, and I emerged out of the year with a new understanding of myself and the world I lived in.
Yet the process itself was terrifying and filled with fear, grief and an almost insatiable anger.
Our spiritual nature can come through to us in many ways - whether it’s a world event, an illness, the death of someone we love, a change in circumstances, and everything in-between.
It’s not often gentle, and can create a hugely intense emotional experience for us like we’ve never before encountered. One that leaves strong aftershocks echoing through our life for a long time afterwards.
This is our invitation to lean into the experience, knowing that it won’t last forever and that we’ll come out on the other side eventually, perhaps a little battered and bruised, but with a newfound sense of knowing about ourselves and the world we live in that can’t be taken away from us.
If we lean into the fear of these new experiences, we build our emotional resilience that will be the very thing that carries us forwards on our spiritual journey.
Learning self-worth and self-care
This is also a time for deep self-care.
When we experience life and its truths opening up to us in this intense way, we need to acknowledge that it can have a really frazzling effect on our nerves. We no longer feel safe and supported in the world we live in, so we must create that safety and support for ourselves.
When we awaken to our spiritual nature it’s easy to look around and see only darkness - for when we accept the light, we also make room for the darkness to show itself.
This in itself can feel strange and scary, so again we need to take beautiful loving care of ourselves, and surround ourselves with things that bring us comfort, joy and inner peace.
This is a part of the beautiful self-worth journey that Spirit invites us on.
We are all here to learn about our intrinsic self-worth, and a part of truly loving ourselves involves taking the deepest of care of ourselves on all of our different levels - emotional, mental, physical and spiritual.
When I was awakening during 2020 and all the darkness that the year brought with it, I couldn’t have survived without my walks outside. We were lucky to have amazing weather in that spring, and the sunshine was a life-saver.
Alongside daily walks in nature, I prioritised time with animals, nourishing food, long, hot baths, writing and journaling, yoga and lots of sleep. I was lucky that I could do these things, and they really did support me in an untold number of ways.
A process of emotional healing
Nature is incredible healing and grounding is an essential part of staying centered during a time of spiritual awakening.
If you have 5’s, 12-3’s or 8’s in your Soul Contract, like me, it can feel really hard to come out of the mental body and start to come into the physical body and align with the earth’s physical vibrations.
Our mind loves to try and stay in control during times of stress, not realising that it never has control, it’s all an illusion. In order to create peace and calm in times of emotional turmoil such as a spiritual awakening, we need to gently let our minds come down into our bodies.
For some people nature is the answer, for others it’s exercise such as yoga or Tai Chi.
Another great way to ground is through conscious dancing or meditation. Yet there are other ways to ground such as eating earthy food (food that is grown in the earth) such as potatoes and carrots, spending time with animals and creative activities such as painting or drawing.
Writing is also incredibly grounding, and a wonderful avenue to channel all the thoughts of the mind onto paper, draining the mental body and creating space in the mind.
As you rise in consciousness you are also invited to go inwards and seek what is really going on under the surface within yourself.
We are here to transcend the limits of the ego so we can reconnect with the Divine, and so any old programmes, beliefs, trauma and conditioning need to be transmuted in order for us to get there.
We cannot expand into our spiritual selves without journeying inwards. This involves getting to know ourselves on a much deeper level. The spiritual journey is an emotional healing journey, and one cannot exist without the other.
Changing relationships
A huge part of this process often involves the people around us. People are often our mirrors, helping us to see the things within ourselves that we have not yet acknowledged and accepted.
As you rise in consciousness and awaken to the truth of who you are and your existence, you’ll find you attract people who resonate with your frequency.
Initially this doesn’t happen immediately, and often there is a letting-go process before this can come to pass. When we start to change, we realise that we no longer resonate with certain people around us. It is like we outgrow them.
This can be our friends, our partners or our parents.
When we move past people who don’t want to come with us on our spiritual journey we always have a choice. We can choose to accept them as they are and embrace the relationship that we have with them as it is, or we can choose to lovingly let them go.
As we grow and evolve it can create friction in our relationships. The people who know us often don’t want us to change and this can create tension.
If there is communication, willingness and non-judgement, then these relationships can be restored. Yet if someone is blocking us from moving forwards, then we need to gently let them go.
I now realise that I can have surface-level friendships with specific people in my life, and I have had to let go of other friendships that don’t really serve me anymore.
This can bring up a mixture of shame, grief and guilt, yet we deserve to choose who we surround ourselves with, and no one can tell us otherwise.
What I’ve realised is that this evolution of relationships is a continual process, and it doesn’t stop after we start our spiritual journey, it continues. It often happens that the more we grow, the faster our relationships change.
Yet one thing does remain true - if we embrace who we are and who we are becoming on our own spiritual path, then we attract people on a similar journey, bringing new friendships, love and joy into our lives.
There’s no end goal on your spiritual journey
The last thing I’d share about staying grounded in this process of great awakening, healing and consciousness, is that there’s no rush.
Alongside the emotional turmoil and change as your world reshapes itself around your new beliefs, there’s also beautiful realisations, powerful human connections and moments of absolute enlightenment as you understand concepts that radically rock your world.
It’s like you’ve been seeing the world in black and white and now it’s suddenly in technicolour. Or that you’ve always been told that magic isn’t real, but now you’re suddenly seeing angel numbers, incredibly coincidences and spontaneous manifestations.
The spiritual journey can be an absolute blast.
I remember, in the midst of 2020, ploughing through book after book, racing through documentaries, and having my first experience of a reading. It fascinated me and I was riding an absolute high of delirious excitement.
Yet, what comes up must also come down, which is why the grounding is so very important.
During all of these powering awakenings it’s important to let ourselves ground and integrate what we’re learning. It can feel like a fast-track awakening at times, yet in order not to burn out, we need to take our time and stay in balance.
We cannot disappear from our physical reality, we need to stay grounded in our lives - yet that doesn’t stop us from exploring the mystical, the mysterious and the magical. So, go have fun, and remember to take it easy as you uncover the delights of your true, spiritual nature.
If you’d like support and guidance on your spiritual journey, you may like to explore my monthly group healing membership Your Authentic Soul, or sign up to my newsletter to stay in touch for more similar posts.