Hey, I’m Antonya and it’s so good to have you here!
This is where I write about my journey to becoming the most confident and authentic version of who I came here to be, in the hope it inspires you on your own journey into deeper self-awareness and emotional healing. Explore my blog posts below or if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, use the categories or search box below.
Self Discovery | Soul Seekers | The Confidence Club | Conquer Your Fears | Oldies and Goldies | YouTube Short & Sweet
Why Letting Go Is So Hard (And How to Support Yourself Through It)
Letting go, especially of people and the past, can be deeply challenging, but it’s a vital part of growth and healing. However, change is a constant in our life and letting go is a part of that. This blog explores why letting go is so hard and how to honour the process.
7 Powerful Quotes to Help You Understand and Unlock Shame
Explore the impact of shame, self-judgment, and self-criticism on self-worth, and discover how compassion and love can help you release these limiting emotions. Learn from powerful quotes on shame and begin your journey to emotional healing and greater self-acceptance.
How to fall in love
Falling in love is something that we all long for, yet how can we move past the emotional blocks that get in the way of us experiencing the love we deserve? This is my story and I hope by sharing it you’ll see how capable and worthy of love you truly are.
What’s the difference between the ego and the soul?
What is the difference between the ego and the soul? The ego drives thoughts, words and actions from a place of fear and lack. The soul drives them from love, nourishing our self esteem.
You don’t need to heal (and this is why)
You don’t need to heal because you are perfect, whole and complete just as you are. The only thing we need to do is to release and clear the trauma that is stuck in our fields and distorting our vision, making us chase things outside of ourselves.
Are fear and self-doubt clipping your wings?
We are all capable of doing incredible things in our lives but so often we find ourselves stuck in fear and self-doubt. So, how can we begin to free ourselves from these limiting beliefs and truly achieve our dreams?
Using your soul contract as a guide
When you are ready to go deeper into your journey of self-discovery, your Soul Contract can act as a guide, showing you the light of truth in times of darkness and confusion.
How to free yourself from soul suppression
So many of us living limited lives, where our souls are suppressed under the expectations of others and society. We can find freedom when we start to really tune into ourselves and the deepest desires of our souls.
Learning the lessons of love
We all have fears, insecurities and blocks that sabotage our ability to love and be loved. Whether it's learned from our parents, past relationships or something within us. This is why learning to love ourselves from within is one of the hardest things of all.
How to bloom in January
How can we ease into January, allowing us to plant the seeds for Spring and giving our bodies the chance to retreat and rest as best they can, rather than rush headfirst into the goal-orientated culture of January?
How to deal with loss
Loss is part of the triangle with grief and sadness on the other tips, and all of them feed into each other in a myriad of ways. So, how can we deal with loss when it comes into our lives?
Want to manifest? Here’s the secret
The secret to manifesting is about aligning with a greater force. It is not some force that we need to control and neither is it a force that controls us. It is not about making demands, and neither is it about surrendering ourselves completely.
How to love yourself at your lowest
When we're doing well in life we feel good. But, what happens when those things that have been propping up our self-esteem vanish? How can we love ourselves at our lowest?
We’re in a spiritual battle where normality cannot exist
We live in reality yet exist in illusion. One that most can’t recognise. It’s this mind-bending existence that makes living normally an utterly impossible feat.