Hey, I’m Antonya and it’s so good to have you here!
This is where I write about my journey to becoming the most confident and authentic version of who I came here to be, in the hope it inspires you on your own journey into deeper self-awareness and emotional healing. Explore my blog posts below or if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, use the categories or search box below.
Self Discovery | Soul Seekers | The Confidence Club | Conquer Your Fears | Oldies and Goldies | YouTube Short & Sweet
Seven Steps to Confidence and Self-Acceptance
This blog post explores the interconnectedness of confidence, self-worth, and self-acceptance. It outlines practical steps for nurturing these qualities, such as building inner awareness, practicing self-compassion, and letting go of comparisons.
How to start when you're scared of failing
Discover how to overcome fear, procrastination, and self-doubt when starting new projects. Exploring procrastination, fear of failure, and the role of self-worth in building true confidence and bringing your ideas to life.
How to fall in love
Falling in love is something that we all long for, yet how can we move past the emotional blocks that get in the way of us experiencing the love we deserve? This is my story and I hope by sharing it you’ll see how capable and worthy of love you truly are.
What’s the difference between the ego and the soul?
What is the difference between the ego and the soul? The ego drives thoughts, words and actions from a place of fear and lack. The soul drives them from love, nourishing our self esteem.
How to keep your boundaries when they’re being challenged
If you are sensitive, gentle and empathetic it can feel really hard to say no to others and stand up and assert yourself. The reason why boundaries can feel hard is all to do with the energies in your Soul Contract, which is exactly what I explore in this blog post.
You don’t need to heal (and this is why)
You don’t need to heal because you are perfect, whole and complete just as you are. The only thing we need to do is to release and clear the trauma that is stuck in our fields and distorting our vision, making us chase things outside of ourselves.
How to avoid burnout on your spiritual journey
Many of us on the spiritual path suffer from burnout and exhaustion because we're no grounded, we're pushing ourselves to expand too quickly and we're not leaning into love. Here I share a few of the things that play a key role in our spiritual burnout and how to overcome them.
Why leaning back is the key to moving forwards
The harder we push, the more the very thing that we want moves away from us. So how can move out of a vibration of lack and longing, using the practice of aparigraha, and lean back into a state of receiving?
3 things that happen when you start healing
When you start healing miracles can happen, your relationship with yourself and your body changes and you start to shine your light and welcome in new possibilities and opportunities into your life.
Do you know your worth?
It can take us a lifetime to truly know our self-worth, yet it's the challenging life experiences that we encounter along the way that encourage us overcome them so we can land in a place of clarity, wisdom and self-compassion.
I’m on the edge of burnout (and this is why)
We all have unconscious conditioning, patterns and behaviour that drives us to the state of overwhelm and burnout. But, one of the keys to unlocking the answers is to delve into our soul contract which can help explain so much about why we are the way we are.
Learning the lessons of love
We all have fears, insecurities and blocks that sabotage our ability to love and be loved. Whether it's learned from our parents, past relationships or something within us. This is why learning to love ourselves from within is one of the hardest things of all.
How to love yourself at your lowest
When we're doing well in life we feel good. But, what happens when those things that have been propping up our self-esteem vanish? How can we love ourselves at our lowest?
Goodbye Instagram, hello radical self-love
Instagram has been eating away at my joy and eroding my confidence, so I made the decision to leave. This is my story.
Feeling rejected? This might help
The pain of rejection can be hard to handle, but how can we understand it in a different light and give ourselves some comfort and reassurance that we're enough exactly as we are? This is a post all about recognising our value and self-worth.
4 ways to improve low self esteem
Low self esteem stops us from moving forwards in life, so here are four ways to improve low self esteem. True self-worth takes time to build, but here are 4 simple ways to start that journey towards confidence.
Signs and symptoms of a toxic work environment
Many of us are existing in toxic work environments, not knowing how to leave. When we understand why we find ourselves in them we can begin to light up the path to change and letting go.
How to pull yourself out of a spiral of negativity
When we're swirling in a spiral of negativity and emotions such as fear, guilt and shame, it can be hard to find clarity and compassion to pull ourselves out.
What is self-care (and are you doing it)?
Self-care means taking beautiful and loving care of ourselves on a physical, emotional and spiritual level, rooted in self-worth and radical self-love.