Hey, I’m Antonya and it’s so good to have you here!
This is where I write about my journey to becoming the most confident and authentic version of who I came here to be, in the hope it inspires you on your own journey into deeper self-awareness and emotional healing. Explore my blog posts below or if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, use the categories or search box below.
Self Discovery | Soul Seekers | The Confidence Club | Conquer Your Fears | Oldies and Goldies | YouTube Short & Sweet
How to navigate the world as a sensitive soul
Being sensitive has often been seen as a weakness but when we harness it it becomes our strength. We just need to learn to ground our sensitivity and find balance so we don't become overwhelmed and burnt out from this world.
As Nike says 'just do it' to defeat fear
How do we manage the fears we have, such as the fear of failure, fear of success and fear of change? Here I breakdown what fear really is and how to 'just do it' to defeat it.
3 subtle yet powerful ways to align your life
To live in alignment means to live in a place of acceptance of who you are and where you are in life. Here, I share three subtle yet powerful ways to shift into alignment so you can experience more joy, love, abundance and purpose in your life.
A Handmaid’s warning
Exploring the world of Gilead and how the prophecy of Margaret Atwood, combined with the history of our past, can help us avoid the horror of a future where dystopia and totalitariasm thrive in a world of extremism and fear.
How to free yourself from soul suppression
So many of us living limited lives, where our souls are suppressed under the expectations of others and society. We can find freedom when we start to really tune into ourselves and the deepest desires of our souls.
3 things you learn about yourself in a soul contract reading
A Soul Contract Reading is like a map, showing you the karma you're here to work through, the talents you're here to activate and the goals you're here to accomplish.
The wonder of suffering and the key to letting go
The sages say it that suffering is a choice, yet suffering is inevitable for there there is much that we must let go of and unlearn before we understand how to ease ourselves out of suffering. It's all too easy to spiritually bypass suffering without realising it is an essential part of our reality that will grant us our spiritual and emotional freedom.
I’m on the edge of burnout (and this is why)
We all have unconscious conditioning, patterns and behaviour that drives us to the state of overwhelm and burnout. But, one of the keys to unlocking the answers is to delve into our soul contract which can help explain so much about why we are the way we are.
Feel the fear and ride the storm of change
Change, like an ocean storm, also has the potential to turn our lives upside down. And this is where change can be so golden. If we allow ourselves to feel the fear and uncertainty and ride the storm we grow in resilience and self-esteem.
How to recognise energy vampires
Like wolf in sheep’s' clothing, energy vampires sneak past our boundaries and take what isn't theirs. We can either continue letting this happen, or stay vigilant to the signs and erect our boundaries to keep them away, the choice is ours.
Learning the lessons of love
We all have fears, insecurities and blocks that sabotage our ability to love and be loved. Whether it's learned from our parents, past relationships or something within us. This is why learning to love ourselves from within is one of the hardest things of all.
How to embrace the alchemy of change
Change can be deeply uncomfortable. So much so, that we want to hide in a past version of ourselves or skip forward to the safe, familiar and known. Yet, the point of suffering and change is where the magic happens, and one we want to embrace.
Are you overstretching into overwhelm?
Without even realising it's happened, we can stretch ourselves so thin, trying to do it all and have it all, that we can snap, which is exactly what happened to me.
The money trap (what it is and how to avoid it)
Now that we're healing the self-esteem wound there's too many of us falling prey to the marketing that tells us we can all be millionaires. This is yet another spiritual trap, hiding our real emotional needs under the illusion that money can meet them.
Are you rushing your spiritual growth?
All good things take time and our spiritual growth is no exception. So, what are the traps that we fall into and how can we learn to be patient with ourselves and our spiritual journey?
Feel the fear and reap the rewards
When we do things that scare us the universe rewards us for taking risks on its behalf, our self-esteem raises considerably and we open ourselves up to our power, potential and possibilities. How can we use our fear for positive change in our lives?
How to bloom in January
How can we ease into January, allowing us to plant the seeds for Spring and giving our bodies the chance to retreat and rest as best they can, rather than rush headfirst into the goal-orientated culture of January?
How to deal with loss
Loss is part of the triangle with grief and sadness on the other tips, and all of them feed into each other in a myriad of ways. So, how can we deal with loss when it comes into our lives?
Want to manifest? Here’s the secret
The secret to manifesting is about aligning with a greater force. It is not some force that we need to control and neither is it a force that controls us. It is not about making demands, and neither is it about surrendering ourselves completely.
4 ways to transform your life
Life picks up when you pick yourself up, so what changes can you make to invite this transformation in? Through leaning into compassion, gratitude and validation you can shift out of feeling down and out to feeling powerful and purposeful once again.