8 powerful ways Kinesiology can change your life (part 1)

benefits of kinesiology

1. Kinesiology gives you answers

Using the language of muscle testing, Kinesiology helps you figure out what your body is trying to tell you through its symptoms

When we experience any symptom, pain or imbalance it is our body’s way of trying to get our attention, and there is always a root cause. It could be stemming from something you’re eating which is upsetting your body, or even a deficiency in an essential vitamin or mineral. It could be rooted in an emotional stress, a stagnation of energy or a structural misalignment.

In Kinesiology, we ask your body to tell us what it is, we don’t guess, meaning your body can show us and we can work on correcting it quickly and efficiently. 

2. Kinesiology releases stress

We carry so many emotional stresses around with us on a day-to-day basis. Worry about money, health, work, our friendships and relationships in particular. 

In Kinesiology we offer you a place to unburden yourself of all emotional stress and anxiety that is weighing you down. Imagine all those worries are like rocks on your shoulders, you feel heavy, achy and tense with all the worry that you are carrying around that you might not even always be conscious of carrying. We aim to take those boulders off through gentle stress-relief techniques.

When we unwind you from a state of stress, it’s amazing how having clarity and perspective rush in to fill the space created by a clear and fresh mind. This is a new energy that you can use to create happiness, love and joy in your life.

3. Kinesiology provides solutions

Once we identify where the root cause of your symptoms is stemming from, we can create an action plan to rebalance the body. Often, this includes identifying the exact nutritional supplements your body needs to clear an imbalance, or even just to feel energised and well.

Using muscle testing we ask the body what it needs to restore balance. We do this by placing nutritional supplements in your energy field. If the body wants something, we know exactly which ones. We can also use muscle testing to find foods that are weakening us, so you can then take these out of your diet to begin to feel the difference.

We can then clear the emotional stress, energetic and structural stagnation using a variety of methods, including deep lymphatic stimulation, emotional and meridian work, to restore harmony to the body.

4. Kinesiology eases out tension

Often, there’s more to physical aches that we see on the surface.

While they can be due to a structural misalignment or injury, emotional stress can often transfer into physical tension and aches in the body. Therefore, when we work on releasing emotional stress from the body, that tension, often around the neck and upper back area, disappears.

Other reasons for aches, pain and tension in the body is the body flagging up an imbalance in a meridian. When we rebalance these meridians, these aches can go. One of the most powerful ways we do this is by stimulating specific lymphatic points to clear stagnant areas of lymph.

This can feel very unpleasant, a bit like a deep tissue or acupressure massage, but you know afterwards how good you feel and how much better everything seems to feel; less niggly, sticky and uncomfortable. When we sort out the aches, tension and pain, you can start enjoying life to the full.

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Carry on exploring


8 powerful ways Kinesiology can change your life (part 2)


Let’s talk about poor personal boundaries