
Welcome to my blog

I’m Antonya and this is where I write about my journey to becoming the most confident and authentic version of who I came here to be. Explore my blog posts below or if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, use the categories or search box below.

Self-discovery Antonya Catahlinah Beamish Self-discovery Antonya Catahlinah Beamish

Four Subtle Signs You’re Stuck in Survival Mode

In this blog, we dive into how stress and trauma affect our body and mind, causing us to react instead of respond, get stuck in freeze mode, struggle to find joy and suffer with symptoms. Explore how unresolved trauma can cause us to stay in survival mode, and recommendations to get out of it.

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Self-discovery Antonya Catahlinah Beamish Self-discovery Antonya Catahlinah Beamish

How to Feel Free When You Feel Stuck

Feeling stuck? This post explores how to find freedom by overcoming fear, breaking free of role expectations, and letting go of comparison. Learn how embracing change can help you create an authentic and aligned life where you feel free to be your true self.

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Conquer your fears Antonya Catahlinah Beamish Conquer your fears Antonya Catahlinah Beamish

Feel the fear and reap the rewards

When we do things that scare us the universe rewards us for taking risks on its behalf, our self-esteem raises considerably and we open ourselves up to our power, potential and possibilities. How can we use our fear for positive change in our lives?

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Conquer your fears Antonya Catahlinah Beamish Conquer your fears Antonya Catahlinah Beamish

Two simple ways to overcome fear

Fear can get wildly out of control when left inside of us but there are two simple ways to overcome fear; one is through sharing the fear, and the other is through action. When we confront our fears in this way, we can move through them and return to a state of confidence and joy in our lives.

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Self-discovery Antonya Catahlinah Beamish Self-discovery Antonya Catahlinah Beamish

5 things to remember when it all feels too much

When life feels overwhelming and we can't see the wood through the trees, here's 5 things to remember. You are not alone in feeling this way, and there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. This post will share how to build your emotional resilience in tough times.

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Self-discovery Antonya Catahlinah Beamish Self-discovery Antonya Catahlinah Beamish

Are you masking your emotions?

We all mask our emotions for a number of reasons; guilt and shame in particular, but how can we learn to show our true selves, without feeling like a burden to those around us? Here I share how to come into authenticity and let go of the fear of being vulnerable.

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Self-discovery Antonya Catahlinah Beamish Self-discovery Antonya Catahlinah Beamish

How to find balance when you feel out of balance

Here are three simple ways to restore a sense of calm, grounding and peace to help you find balance when you feel out of balance. Life can be stressful and intense, yet when we come back to our center, and ground back into the truth of who we are, we can find that peace again.

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