What are your core values?

what are your core values

Thinking about our core values is probably not something we often do.

We are divine beings having a human experience, yet so many of us have forgotten this. We see ourselves as our mind and body but we are neither of these things. We are the slither of awareness that resides within the gap between the two.

Until humanity reaches a collective point of evolution where we all vibrate with an energy of compassion and love, we can use our own core values to guide us forwards on our own personal journeys to enlightenment.

If each and every one of us became more aware of our thoughts, words and actions, using our core values as our moral compass, we could change the world in a blink of an eye.

Understanding our ego dynamics

I believe we are all souls incarnating into beings, having a divine human experience and living one of many thousands of lives. During our stay here we are given the immense and phenomenal machinery to enjoy this beautiful life on earth; our body and our mind.

Yet, we are not either of these. What we are is awareness. Or some would call, pure consciousness or divine energy. We are not our body and we are certainly not our mind. We are the space in-between. The small slither of a gap that glimmers with pure love.

Some call it our soul, others call it our highest self, and some, like me, call it awareness.

I’m sure you would agree that our mind can be incredibly noisy. This is why people meditate. To quieten down the chitter-chatter of the mind so we can find that small space where truth and love can expand within us.

The ego is the dominant and noisiest part of our mind that drives our thoughts, words and actions, yet it is not our true self. I talk about this because we need to understand what the driving forces in our lives are.

The ego isn’t bad, it’s our survival mechanism that shouts the loudest in our minds to keep us safe. Yet, when we don’t still our minds through the practice of stillness, reflection and meditation, we don’t give our awareness a chance to rise up from that small gap of space, bringing consciousness and clarity with it.

The importance of core values while we find awareness

Most of us muddle through our day-to-day with the ego charging ahead, tightening the reins, and have no idea that we are being controlled through its driving principles of fear and lack. Fear vibrates at the opposite frequency of love. It is not our true nature.

We have become chronically saturated in fear, never more so in the last year, and it is incredibly detrimental on every level of our wellbeing; physical, emotional and spiritual.

Our true nature that exists within our collective consciousness, is love and abundance. Yet, most of us are not acting in this way. Which is why the importance of having our core values is so important.

Most of us will take a lifetime to truly understand the essential nature of our ‘being’, so while we are still on the journey to understand the concept of our awareness existing in the space between mind and body, we need to have other tangible reminders that can guide our everyday thoughts, words and actions until we morph out of our ego and into our natural state of awareness, bliss, peace and pure love.

As a collective, we are not there yet, so we need small steps to bring us closer, which is where the core values come in.

The benefits of aligning with our core values

The benefits of having core values are being widely recognised and talked about, opening up the conversation that these values are not just for a business or brand, but for each of us.

They are guiding principles that navigate us through the choppy waters of this life, allowing us to align with the truest nature of ourself; bringing people, circumstances and situations into our lives which align with a similar energy.

They are a life-enhancing moral compass, vibrating at a frequency that attracts the like-minded.

Core values are just as important during our everyday moments, as well as during the bigger challanges. In fact, the hardest thing to do is to live our values during the small everyday-ness in our lives. In the acts that receive no recognition and no thanks.

Too often, we virtue-signal our goodness, never more so in 2021, without even realising that, yet again, this is our Ego holding the reins. To act one way in the public eye, and one way in private, is not aligning with our values. It is all for show and we have fallen into the trap.

I’ve witnessed huge benefits from aligning with my values, especially in the last year which has been so testing. One of my values is authenticity; acknowledging, embracing and accepting who I am, as well all past versions of me. My values are part of who I am, which is precisely why I want to share them with you.

The core values I choose align with

The first is detachment. I let what wants to come, come, and let what wants to go, go. I try not to grasp onto what may not be meant for me. This concept is called aparigraha and if you want to learn more about this, Tosha Silver is a must-read.

The second is non-judgement of myself or others. This is undoubtedly the hardest one to master and challenges me on a constant basis.

The third is taking responsibility for my choices, without blame, so that I don’t fall into a victim consciousness which creates fear and powerlessness.

The fourth is awareness. Decisions are made from either love or fear, literally nothing else. When I have awareness of what fears are driving my actions, I can alter my course which is so powerful.

The fifth value is authentic action which I wrote about recently. Actions that align with my truth, however uncomfortable they may be, are vital for my wellbeing. When I pretend to be someone or something else, to fit in or feel more comfortable, I am doing myself a huge diservice, hiding my uniqueness and rejecting my true self.

The final value is compassion, for myself first and for others second. Humanity could thrive if we all become more compassionate with ourselves, first and foremost, and with each other secondly.

The core values I no longer align with

As well as highlighting the values which I align all my thoughts, words and actions to, I also feel it’s important to recognise the values which I choose to no longer align to. Sometimes, knowing how you don’t want to live is as healthy and helpful as knowing how you do.

Unconditional love is no longer a value I align with. My arms are not open to everyone. I do not have to love and open my energy up to all. Boundaries are wiped out by opening yourself up to everyone to take a piece of your goodness.

I also no longer align with a victim mentality. There is a lesson in every hardship, if you choose to see it. If I feel like a victim, like life is happening to me, I’ve forgotten my own power which is something I consciously work on remembering every single day.

The last big value I consciously chose to let go of is a lack mentality which used to be something that really controlled my life. Lack of time in particular. I now see that time is an illusion for every facet of our lives, apart from our physical bodies which age throughout our journey on earth.

There is no such thing as time, it is a social construct that pulls us away from the present moment, where our awareness resides, and forces us into future fears and past regrets.

I used to clock watch, panic at passing time and fear not being able to achieve and accomplish what I wanted to by a certain point. What a waste of my energy. Now, I no longer have someone in the sky with a watch looking down on me and I feel sheer relief.

There’s no rush to achieve or accomplish, there is only this moment right now and it is utterly blissful.

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