Welcome to my blog
I’m Antonya and this is where I write about my journey to becoming the most confident and authentic version of who I came here to be. Explore my blog posts below or if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, use the search box below.
This Is Why I Find Friendships So Hard
Exploring the challenges of setting boundaries in friendships, this post reflects on guilt, social expectations, and the journey to embrace authentic relationships that truly nourish the soul
3 things to remember when you're at a crossroads in life
When we’re at the crossroads of life, having to make a decision and choose a path forwards, it can often feel hard to lean into the fear of the unknown and trust we’ll pick the best option. So, what are three things to remember so we can come out of fear and indecision, and into an energy of faith and excitement about the journey ahead?
Your fear of judgement owns you and you don’t even know it
Fear of judgement is a deeply rooted human emotion. One that hides behind other surface level emotions, tricking us into believing it's not really there. But it is, and most of us aren't even aware of its existance.