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How can Kinesiology help with skin conditions?

Common skin conditions, such as acne, eczema, psoriasis and rosacea can cause real distress. Besides their appearance and subsequent effect on our self-confidence, they can be thoroughly uncomfortable to live with and frustrating to know how to treat.

Because these common conditions only happen on a surface level, we often make the mistake of thinking that they’re only skin deep, whereas in reality there are a myriad of factors which contribute to their causation.

This is why Kinesiology is an ideal therapy to test and see what’s going on under the surface. When it comes to symptoms in the body we need to look at you as a whole to begin the detective work of understanding where your skin condition is stemming from.

Symptoms help us understand our body

Symptoms are our friends, they are the body’s way of trying to get our attention, a bit like a smoke alarm going off alerting us to a fire. It’s an invitation to investigate further.

However, within our current healthcare system, the widely favoured approach is one which focuses on suppressing the symptoms, rather than investigating them. You can see this clearly with the current treatment for skin conditions which includes topical steroid creams to ease discomfort, antibiotics to kill bacteria on the skin, chemical face washes and the hormonal contraceptive pill.

While they may temporarily ease the discomfort of the skin condition, they fail to investigate the root cause, meaning the condition never goes away. They merely cover up the symptoms, keeping us stuck in the misguided belief that the problem has gone, when in reality the real problem carries on, out of sight and out of mind.

The role of diet with Kinesiology and skin conditions

Nutritional deficiencies play a vital role in our health. Due to over-farming and chemical treatments of the soil in the UK, we have a drastically reduced quality of soil which in turn decreases the vitamin and mineral content, meaning we need to eat a lot more to gain the same benefits than our grandparents did.

A poor diet alongside a sluggish digestive system and a stressed body also means that we can often fail to get what we need nutritionally from our food because the body can’t absorb the nutrients. This is why making sure the digestive tract is functioning well, is so vital.

In addition, we sometimes need a therapeutic dose to help clear an imbalance in the body. When you take the nutritional supplement that the body needs to heal, results can happen extremely quickly because the body now has the tools to promote the natural process of self-healing.

Diet also plays an incredibly important role in our skin health, especially with common conditions such as acne.

We experience acne on our face, chest and back, however, often the root cause comes from a digestive imbalance, a lack of essential minerals and a diet heavy in dairy, wheat and sugar. We call these the ‘main offenders’ in Kinesiology because when we ask clients to remove them from their diets we see incredible improvements in their health.

We never want to vilify food but the truth is that there are certain foods which are biocidic to our bodies, which essentially means that they do more harm than good. Sugar, for example, is a massively inflammatory.

Everyone is biochemically individual so in treatments we take out the guesswork by testing these foods against the muscle response to see whether they benefit the body or not. What one person might be sensitive too may not be the case with someone else.

The role of detoxification with skin conditions

The world we live in is full of toxicity, from food, chemicals, emotions and our environment. Often the way for a toxic overload to present itself is through the skin because it can’t be properly processed through the normal elimination routes in the body.

The lymphatic system plays a large role in moving toxins and waste around the body but due to lack of physical movement, sedentary lifestyles and a dehydrated body, it can become sluggish and ineffective.

Another organ used in processing toxins is the liver. However, if we have a diet high in alcohol, fatty foods and medication, the liver can become overburdened and unable to function effectively.

So, where else does the body remove toxins from and how does it affect our skin?

Read part two here >>

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