Hey, I’m Antonya and it’s so good to have you here!
This is where I write about my journey to becoming the most confident and authentic version of who I came here to be, in the hope it inspires you on your own journey into deeper self-awareness and emotional healing. Explore my blog posts below or if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, use the categories or search box below.
Self Discovery | Soul Seekers | The Confidence Club | Conquer Your Fears | Oldies and Goldies | YouTube Short & Sweet
3 signs you're in survival mode (& what to do about it)
Feeling trapped in survival mode? Discover key signs like disrupted sleep and heightened reactions, along with practical ways to shift from stress to balance, restore calm, and build lasting resilience
Why You Can’t Slow Down Even Though You Want To
Exploring the impact of 12-3 Soul Contract energy on impatience, urgency, and burnout, and how this energy drives avoidance, addiction, and a fast-paced life. Explore your own Soul Contract to gain greater self-awareness and achieve personal healing and growth.
How to slow down when you're always in a rush
If you're constantly rushing around feeling exhausted and burnt out, understanding the energies in your Soul Contract, as well as the subconscious programming keeping you busy, may help you slow down.
How to avoid burnout on your spiritual journey
Many of us on the spiritual path suffer from burnout and exhaustion because we're no grounded, we're pushing ourselves to expand too quickly and we're not leaning into love. Here I share a few of the things that play a key role in our spiritual burnout and how to overcome them.
How to find the confidence and courage to start something new
All of us can struggle to start something new, yet do we really understand why? Sometimes it's a fear of failure or it can be a fear of success. Ultimately we need to confront the fear that is stopping us from fulfilling our potential.
I’m on the edge of burnout (and this is why)
We all have unconscious conditioning, patterns and behaviour that drives us to the state of overwhelm and burnout. But, one of the keys to unlocking the answers is to delve into our soul contract which can help explain so much about why we are the way we are.
How to bloom in January
How can we ease into January, allowing us to plant the seeds for Spring and giving our bodies the chance to retreat and rest as best they can, rather than rush headfirst into the goal-orientated culture of January?
3 ways to shift out of overwhelm
Here are three simple ways to shift out of a state of overwhelm and stress and back into a peaceful and powerful state where you can gain perspective and regain command of your life.
How to recover from burnout and exhaustion
If you've reached the point of burnout and exhaustion, here's three key ways to help you recover and regain your energy.
5 signs you’re heading for burnout
Here are 5 signs and symptoms that you're in a state of exhaustion and heading for burnout.
Is stress making you sick?
Stress can have a negative impact on our health and wellbeing, affecting our adrenals and immune function, causing burnout and making us sick.