Welcome to my blog
I’m Antonya and this is where I write about my journey to becoming the most confident and authentic version of who I came here to be. Explore my blog posts below or if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, use the search box below.
Your fear of judgement owns you and you don’t even know it
Fear of judgement is a deeply rooted human emotion. One that hides behind other surface level emotions, tricking us into believing it's not really there. But it is, and most of us aren't even aware of its existance.
I’m on the no poke side and here’s 10 reasons why
This shouldn’t be a divisive opinion, but it is. Debate is healthy, yet there is none. Standing up for what you believe to be good and true in the world had never created so much tension, yet this particular subject does. Why is that?
How did it get to ‘my body your choice’?
Personal choice is an essential cornerstone of our existence, one which is under dire threat from those whose fear has surpassed all level of reasoning.
Exposing the darkness of fear-driven hate
By shining our bright light into the dark corners in which fear and hate resides, we expose it. It has nowhere to hide under the light of our scrutiny.
Don’t call me an anti-vaxxer
There is no such thing as anti-vaccine or pro-vaccine, there is merely the personal choice of what we believe is best for our individual wellbeing, and this needs to be respected.
I’ve become a covid ninja (mamboing the matrix)
At one time it was difficult to stay neutral in a conversation about covid, now, I feel better equipped to slide under the radar, maneuvering around conversations that used to bait and hook me. The words no longer resonate. I’m a ninja.
And so the great divide begins - lessons from the past
How quickly we’ve forgotten how cunningly the Nazis waged a war of mass manipulation against the German public, creating a breeding ground ripe for hate, fear and division.
Don’t call me a conspiracy theorist
It’s easier to shut down an opposing view with a condescending remark that it is to take into consideration what is being said and why.
We’re in a spiritual battle where normality cannot exist
We live in reality yet exist in illusion. One that most can’t recognise. It’s this mind-bending existence that makes living normally an utterly impossible feat.
Cognitive dissonance in the time of corona
The evidence that something is amiss is truly staggeringly. So why can some of us see the truth in such a clear light and others are so oblivious to it? Is it a conscious or subconscious choice not to see?