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I’ve become a covid ninja (mamboing the matrix)

I don’t shy away from speaking my mind.

I feel a great need to express myself, now more than ever, in the words I write and the actions I take. They are the basis of my integrity and integrity is all we truly have. 

Without our core values, which guide and define our lives, our existence is rootless and disconnected from purpose. Without them, what are we? 

Sometimes, walking the walk is often more powerful than talking the talk. There’s no need to shout.

Actions can speak louder than words and my actions are well defined. No, I will not have an injection I deem to be severely harmful to my wellbeing. No, I will not wear a face-covering that suffocates me and hides my individuality. No, I will not allow myself to be brainwashed in a cycle of fear and a spin of propaganda. 

No, I will conform to this madness. And my actions will be the evidence of this. 

Going stealth

I’ve made the conscious decision to spend as much time with people who I can be my true self with. They’re my little tribe of like-minded souls (who would also like to connect with your little tribe so we grow in number).

With them, I have no need to hide my thoughts away, like they’re dangerous and volatile things that shouldn’t be allowed to see the light of day (they’re not, they’re valid concerns that deserve to be heard), but I still spend time interacting with people who follow the narrative

These people do not resonate on my frequency anymore.

Last year, when it was still all so raw, I would have found it very difficult to stay neutral and calm in a conversation about covid, whatever it is. Now, I feel better equipped to slide under the radar, maneuvering like a ninja, around conversations that used to bait and hook me. I consciously avoid them, which I know is in my best interests.

Yet when I can’t, the heavy mask of ‘no reaction’ really wears me down.

Worn down by the words

More than anything, it’s the language that has been so intensely manipulated beyond all understanding, that I find so suffocating. These words and phrases keep the narrative alive and tie us to the illusion.

We use them, forgetting what they really mean.

Words are powerful, carrying an energy that is intrinsic to creation, yet we’re chucking them about so casually, without awareness of their significance. 

I don’t mean words such as conspiracy theorist or anti-vaxxer, I’ve broken those down to their bare bones and they no longer offend me. I mean everyday phrases we’re using that I can no longer formulate on my tongue.

Jab is a good example of a word I feel is being used unconsciously. The word holds such a low-frequency energy that I can’t use it.

I hear the phrase “have you had your jab?” constantly. Stop, and just say the word. Shut your eyes and roll it around in your mouth. What does it bring to mind? To me, a jab is an offence. It is an attack, sharp and quick.

We talk about jabbing ourselves, jabbing little children and it disturbs me.

Jabbing vaccines

Jab is nothing more than a nickname for a vaccine, purposefully used to make it more casual and more innocent than it really is.

It’s so subliminal, deliberate and purposeful in its use, taking the spotlight away from the non-vaccine ‘vaccine’. Are we aware that what is currently being injected in people’s arms is not a vaccine by any traditional standards? 

A traditional vaccine introduces a vaccine antigen to produce an immune response. This is not what this injection is so I refuse to call it a vaccine.

No covid injection contains the isolated viral particle proven to cause covid because it’s never been found. Suspicious in itself. Instead, it’s an mRNA biological, gene-altering technology, untested in humans, still in clinical trials and causing widespread, devastating reactions.

And we’re about to start injecting, sorry jabbing, our children with it. 

Science can’t find a cure for cancer but can develop a ‘vaccine’ to the world’s ‘deadliest pandemic’ in a matter of months. Shady.

If you don’t question anything else, at least question this.

More words I no longer understand

What does Government mean anymore? 

Right now, they are the law-makers, the all-powerful, the ones who know what is best for. We take what they say as the utmost level of authority. We do as we told, obeying their rules and begging for protection. 

But here’s what we forget; they serve us, we don’t serve them. They’re just people. Yet, we are submitting to them and serving our obedience on a platter that they are feasting on. 

I recently watched V for Vendetta and this beautiful quote spring to mind: people should not be afraid of their government; government should be afraid of their people. Yes, they should.

They say, “it’s for your safety, it’s for your protection” but ‘safe’ is no longer a word I resonate with when it’s used in this context.

I wonder if there’s a good example in history of when an authority used these phrases and didn’t end up a totalitarian dictatorship. My guess is never. 

For my safety or for their control?

Yes, we need safeguards in our society. Yet, at the expense of our freedoms and liberties we are all naturally born with, it becomes warped and dangerous. Using these phrases may allay the fears in a population that wants to hand over responsibility to an authority to abuse but, for me, it feeds those fears.

“It’s for your safety” are words that have been echoed in the darkest periods of our history.

Lockdowns are for our safety. Apparently. When people say “when we were in lockdown..” like it was part of a great war effort we were all in together, I have to translate it as: when we were forcibly kept in our homes, denied our natural-born right to work and live life as we see fit, causing widespread misery and socio-economic despair.

Let’s remember what the word means. Before covid ‘lockdown’ was a phrase used in shutting down prison riots. Are we prisoners? It seems as if guilty before proven innocent is back at the fore.

Lockdowns have been normalised now, ingrained in the fabric of society, yet they have no place in our world.

Experts in healthcare

Follow the experts, they know what’s best. 


The word ‘expert’ no longer holds any significance for me because no one knows what’s best for me. I am the only expert in knowing the inner workings of my mind, body and soul.

And collectively most have sold out anyway. But people are onto them, Covid-Karma’s gonna get you.

These so-called experts aren’t my authority. If I want to refer to another regarding my health, I will consciously choose them, not the ones dictated to me.

I will not allow myself to be tainted by the programming that tells me to live in fear and distrust my body and the beautiful, benevolent world we live in.

Neither do I subscribe to the notion that my body is weak and suspectable to attack. 

It is not vulnerable. It is infinite in its intelligence and no ‘expert’ will ever understand this. Not when they treat it as a basic, dirty vessel of disease.

They are so arrogant in their medical assumptions that they believe they can control the greatest machinery in the universe: you and I. No way.

Their version of health is so distorted it no longer bears any resemblance to its original form. The word ‘health’ has been wildly and unethically manipulated.

Since when did health become about the level of pharmaceuticals we inject into our body? Health is not to be found in a syringe with ingredients created by a company that profits over and over from perpetual disease. Health is community, it is not to be found in isolation and fear which destroys the soul. Health is within.

Health is honesty and authenticity. For ourselves, each other and the world around us.

Keep on exploring

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