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Exposing the darkness of fear-driven hate

I only write when something really inspires me. And I certainly feel inspired today.

I feel inspired to shine a light on fear-driven hatred that lurks in dark corners, preying on those that stand up for what they believe in, which is so prevelant in the world at the moment. More than cancel culture, it is a culture of darkness.

But the reality is, darkness has no place to hide when you shine your light on it, so shine my light I will, exposing it for what it really is. Fear.

Yesterday I marched through the streets of London. It was an immense day, filled with strength, peace and courage. There was no division, no hatred and no anger. It was a joyful and uplifting connection of beautiful like-minded souls from all ages, backgrounds and walks of life. 

Of course, the news reports there were only a few thousand of us, yet it is estimated that there were up to 750,000. As I was there, I know it felt like there were hundreds of thousands of us. The energy and momentum could have been felt from space.

What were we marching for? Medical freedom, human rights and sovereignty. We were marching against the abhorrent notion of vaccine passports, corruption, censorship and for all those who are suffering as a result of this dystopian nightmare we’re all living in. What week are we on to flatten the curve?

We were marching for those who aren’t aware that their freedoms and rights are under serious threat.

Dark corners where fear and hate reside

I find it ironic then, that I received a hate-filled message from a stranger. No one likes these messages; they make our hearts thump and our breath short. It is a personal attack. Sticks and stones may break our bones but words leave deep scars. The fact is, when we speak out against what we perceive as evil in this world we become an easy target for judgment, ridicule and hate. It comes with the territory.

Akin to not wearing a mask in a crowd full of masked faces, we are easy to spot and easy to target from those whose fear has built up and needs a mark to unleash itself upon. 

It is incredibly uncomfortable, especially for someone who prefers to be totally unseen, to slip through this life not making any waves. You think we put ourselves out there for the pleasure and fun of it? Certainly not.

It takes courage and bravery to stand up for what we think is good and true in this world. Everyone who I met yesterday has experienced some form of social exclusion and hate as a result of their conscious and intuitive understanding of their reality. So, I write this for them, as well as myself.

This is how we effect change. By shining our bright light into the dark corners in which fear and hate resides we expose it for what it really is. It has nowhere to hide under the light of our scrutiny.

Understanding the true nature of hate

The beautiful lesson, when we receive a hate-filled message, is to understand where it stems from. It’s taken me a long time to see an attack for what it truly is. Hate is driven by fear. When we have hatred in our soul, we are not driven by our higher self but our baser self where our ego resides.

When in this state, we operate on a frequency of fear-driven hate, subconsciously shaped and moulded by the system. Anyone who thinks outside of our paradigm of comfortable reasoning is a threat to us and our carefully constructed belief system, so we lash out and attack. Our ego is so easily offended.

When something or someone challenges our deeply ingrained beliefs it can be terrifying. We all have carefully constructed houses of cards so when the winds of change arrive, we are desperate to protect them. You can also think of it like looking into a mirror someone is holding up, reflecting a reality that isn’t what you want, or are ready, to see, so you lash out and break it.

I have much compassion for those who are fearful, yet I do not have any compassion for hate, even when it stems from fear. We always have a choice of how we can react or respond. So many react in anger and hatred, without understanding what it is they are so fearful of. If fear and love are the only drivers of our emotional response, we can begin to understand which of these drive our actions.

I’m far from perfect, I lash out in fear too. Yet I am aware when this happens and what may be driving it. I also never direct it at someone who contradicts my belief system and this is the crucial difference.

Freedom from the chains of fear of judgement

My biggest learning of the past year has been about cutting the cords of my self worth to anything external. My self worth is not tied to any labels. I am not a Kinesiology practitioner, I practice Kinesiology. I am not a writer, I write. I am not spiritual, I seek spirituality within. I am not an empath, I merely feel. Can you see the difference between ‘being’ with a label and ‘doing’ in a moment of time? Say no to labels, they do not define us.

Another wonderful learning has been to let go of anyone else's judgement or opinion of me. When you choose to remember that someone’s opinion of you means absolutely nothing at all, you are really truly free. Fear of judgment is something that keeps us chained, slaves to popular narratives and unable to stand up for our full authentic beliefs.

True freedom is detachment from this fear of judgement. It is knowing our self-worth and stepping free of the constraints which keep us playing small.

When we are truly living, doing and being our most authentic selves we need not fear the thoughts, opinions and judgements of others. We know who we are, what we are capable of and what we deserve. We know that nothing external can affect the truth and passion within us. We are immune to criticism and doubt, leaving us free to fly and explore our place in the world.

How to respond to messages of fear-fuelled hate

So how do I respond to fear-driven hate? It’s an easy one. I give it nothing.

I have no opinion on your opinion. I am not open for debate. I know my truth and I have no interest in making you adhere to it. I have no interest in commenting on your comment. I have no energy to give to making someone believe what I believe. What a waste of my time. I have better things to do and more worthwhile endeavours to invest my energy in.

While my ego may wish to defend my position because it hates to be judged and ridiculed, my soul knows better and it is my soul’s murmurings that I listen to. It says, walk away. It says, you can think what you want about me and it doesn’t matter at all. I take your opinion to mean nothing.

I walk away and detach from any messages of fear-driven hate. I feel no need to defend myself. I have no interest in giving you any opening to attack me. Instead, I turn around, shut the gate and terminate the exchange without a goodbye glance. It’s called having boundaries, we should all have them. They are quite literally life-saving.

I choose not to get pulled into drama, negativity or hate. I choose not to feed it in any way, shape or form. Instead, I just let it slip off me and into the earth, back where it belongs. I have better things to do with my time.

And man, it feels so good.

Carry on exploring

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